I don't understand this


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Tue Oct 25 2005 19:08:02 ET

"We have double sourced that the vice president's chief of staff has been indicted," a reporter for ABCNEWS claimed to a White House press spokesman this afternoon.

The White House refused to comment on the claim. The network said they didn't need comment, they were preparing to run with the development on this evening's network news broadcast, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

ABCNEWS claimed to the White House that it had double sourced how an indictment against vice presidential chief of staff I. Lewis Libby was set.

A senior White House source quickly determined ABC was bluffing; the report did not run on the East coast feed of the program.

ABC NEWS spokesman Jeff Schneider tells the DRUDGE REPORT: "There is nothing at all true about us having double sourced anything" regarding indictments.


ABC News says Libby has been indicted. Apparently that isn't true - they were bluffing. To the White House spokesperson.

Why would that kennedy reporter say it if it wasn't true? Are these guys THAT pathetic and ravenous for charges?



This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:

ABC News says Libby has been indicted. Apparently that isn't true - they were bluffing. To the White House spokesperson.

Why would that kennedy reporter say it if it wasn't true? Are these guys THAT pathetic and ravenous for charges?


They may have thought they heard something and tried to get the White House to fess up so they could be first to report. That is what it sounds like to me.


Cops and smart parents use that gag all the time. "I know what you did, but what I want to know is why you did it?" and then let the person ramble on defending themself for doing something the questioner knew nothing about.


Well-Known Member
For those who may not be paying attention:

I read that the New York Times is reporting Dick Cheney may have outed Plame to Libby. Hard to believe Cheney would be a target, but anything could happen.

Indictments could come today, tomorrow or Friday. Course, being indicted doesn't mean a person is guilty, but in Washington, being indicted means you're gone. Anybody indicted will be expected to resign. Democrats will want to hold their own hearings and expect the calls for the impeachment of George W. Bush to begin.

The left, along with the media, is going to be in seventh heaven. The biggest non-scandal in history will now become a career making opportunity for every reporter in Washington. Millions of hours will be wasted reporting on something that means absolutely nothing to no one, except those involved. Rove and Libby probably will wind up being acquitted, but it won't matter.

The Bush haters are about to hit their peak, and we're never going to hear the end of it. Also, if no one is indicted, the left isn't going to go quietly. They will demand their own hearings in Congress and this will become the never ending scandal for the rest of the Bush administration. And the media will go along with it.

They will also pretend that this is some sort of Republican problem. Remember the two Clinton cabinet secretaries that were indicted for real crimes? The media wants you to forget.


Homesick said:
For those who may not be paying attention:

I read that the New York Times is reporting Dick Cheney may have outed Plame to Libby. Hard to believe Cheney would be a target, but anything could happen.

There's no way that Cheney could "out" Plame to Libby... they both work for the government. You can only out someone to somebody without access to the information. Speaking of which, Cheney said he had heard about Plame from George Tenant, the head of the CIA. So all this Cheney talk is nothing more than an effort to drag Cheney's name through some mud using groundless accusations.

What bugs me is that there's no violation of the outing law here. In order for there to be a crime, the outer has to know that they are outing a covert agent; do so with malicious intent; and the covert agent must have been in a covert status within two or three years of the outing. The Dems have been very effective in making a case that the Bush Administration outed Plame in an effort to put pressure on Wilson (exactly what possible effect that would have is beyond me), so it's unlikely that anyone at the White House knew or cared about a mid-level, no-name, flunkie at the CIA like Plame before Wilson made his comments, i.e., when she was in a covert status. If I remember correctly, Plame had been out of the covert business for four years when the "outing" took place, so she was no longer covered by the law and was certainly not a covert agent during the time that the White House would have begun to notice she even existed, so there's no way they can be convicted of maliciously outing a known covert agent.

Now it comes down to who said what and when in regards to the investigation, and all the special prosecutor has is some statements that may conflict with others given by Libby about brief, inconsequential, discussions that occured two years ago. I would ask who amongst us could recite with 100% clarity the discussions you had with someone on October 26, 2003? I know I couldn't. I hate to say that this whole investigation is a political hack job, but damn!!! we had Clinton and his cronies suborning perjury, telling lies, breaking all sorts of campaign finance laws, and we get zilch from the legal side. Now we've got one guy who can't remember all the details of a brief discussion two years ago and they're making it out to me another Watergate. It sure smells fishy.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The media is the problem here because THEY are the ones that are pushing this non-story and trying to make a big deal out of nothing. We shouldn't have to dig to find out that Plame wasn't even a covert operative and, therefore, not protected by the IIPA.

Now we have reporters actually insisting they've got proof of something that never happened. :rolleyes:

So far nobody has been charged with a crime, but they sure have drug every major Republican's name through the mud. And if Fitzgerald comes up with nothing, the Left will rip him to shreds just the way they did Ken Starr.


New Member
They were just holding the story over their heads probably waiting for them to come out with some sort of announcement and when they had nothing they couldnt put the story on the news. Not really sure why you are so surprised? As someone said above, "Unethical Reporters? NEVER!! :lmao:


Well-Known Member
On Today, at 8:52am Al Franken was on to promote his new book The Truth and repeated his twisted joke from Friday's Letterman in which he predicted that Rove and Libby will be executed for treason. Franken's "joke," drew laughter from Matt Lauer and the rest of the Today show studio. The following is just a portion of this morning's interview:

Matt Lauer: "All right, Karl Rove and Scooter Libby what’s their future? What’s your prediction in terms of indictments? Yes or no?"

Franken: "Oh they, they’ll be indicted. I, I am absolutely sure and this is about, of course, the war in Iraq really. It’s about the justification for the war and smearing Joe Wilson by outing his wife who’s a CIA agent. George H.W. Bush, the President’s father, said, as, when he was head of the CIA, that outing a CIA agent is treason. I, I agree. So I think that Rove and Libby will be executed." Lauer laughed along with those in the studio.


People laughed? Lauer laughed? Where's the funny?


Dancing Up A Storm

However, one poster to that forum said it well, I thought:

"Why does anyone give a sh!t about what Al Franken has to say?"