Bustem' Down
Give Peas a Chance
I wish dogs could talk. I came home thurs night and my older dog (6 years) was acting funny. He was shaking and had his tail down and generally acting scared of me. When I laid down with him though, he would lean in against me and tuck his head down. I started to get worried and the first thing I did was look around the house to see if he had gotten into anything. Nothing. He perked up when I asked him if whe wanted to go for a walk, and we did, but as soon as we were home he was back to shaking and looking scared. I rode it out through the night, still thinking he had just eaten something and was maybe sick. the next morning he was still the same and so I was getting a little scared. I took him to the vet right away and after some x-rays it turns out he has a compressed disk in him back. He must of jumped off the bed wrong or something, and the pain caused his speen to swell slightly. Got him some pain meds and now he has to be kenneled for 5 days (not good for a jack russel ). I feel a little bad now because when I took him on a walk, I had him run some.