I feel horrible.


New Member
So today I was riding a friends horse, amazing one at that, it really got me thinking. I want to get into showing again, but i'm way to tall for my horse(so people have told me). I know with the right horse and trainer I could get my equitation back, and get going again. I've been without a trainer since this summer, so i've kind of just been goofing off, and working with my horse, trying to get him more advanced with jumping and what not. I just feel so shiiitty for even thinking about another horse, the only way I can get something bigger, is if I sell or lease out Rebel, but I don't know how many people I would trust with him :/. I guess I really just don't know what to do about it, I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish my dreams, but I don't want to see my pony go. he's the one thing that keeps my happy. Maybe if this whole riding for someone this summer works out, things will start looking up?


New Member
i know when i was 14 or so and my trainer at the time told me i was surpassing my large pony's abilities i was so so so so so sad. very sad indeed. and she started putting me on all sorts of other horses in my lessons and my pony got to be used in beginner lessons. but you know, i'm glad she did it because i learned so much more from all those other horses than i could from my perfect pony. she was used as a lesson horse for a while and now she's my mom's trail pony at age 24 :) my trainer helped me to find another horse to move up to eventually who taught me a lot, prepared me a bit more for future horses. its dreadfully hard, but horses come and go in our lives, sometimes keeping them forever is not the best option, but sometimes it works out. i have a friend who kept her old horse Burt from age 6 till he died at 30 somthing. i'm lucky, i still get to visit my pony when i go home. but ponies can find new loving homes too. my sister's fist pony is currently teaching two cute cute little girls how to ride :) they lover her so much, they still send pics of her to my mom.


New Member
i know when i was 14 or so and my trainer at the time told me i was surpassing my large pony's abilities i was so so so so so sad. very sad indeed. and she started putting me on all sorts of other horses in my lessons and my pony got to be used in beginner lessons. but you know, i'm glad she did it because i learned so much more from all those other horses than i could from my perfect pony. she was used as a lesson horse for a while and now she's my mom's trail pony at age 24 :) my trainer helped me to find another horse to move up to eventually who taught me a lot, prepared me a bit more for future horses. its dreadfully hard, but horses come and go in our lives, sometimes keeping them forever is not the best option, but sometimes it works out. i have a friend who kept her old horse Burt from age 6 till he died at 30 somthing. i'm lucky, i still get to visit my pony when i go home. but ponies can find new loving homes too. my sister's fist pony is currently teaching two cute cute little girls how to ride :) they lover her so much, they still send pics of her to my mom.

Yeah i've taken lessons for about 5 years now, so i've seen horses come and go, and had my heart broken so many times by it. This is just my first horse, and the only thing that makes me happy. I don't know, I guess only time will tell :blahblah: