I feel ill...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...the right tackle problem is a nightmare. Jones is horrible and Ray Brown is my age.

...Brunnel is still taking forever to make his reads. I wish TV showed more downfield overhead shots so I can see if his is just missing or if the WR crew is just not getting open.

Special Teams is giving special ed a bad name.

Gibbs has not fired the dolt in charge of replay challenges.

An extraordinary defense and their efforts are going down the tubes. They can not be expected to do any more. They gave up a friggin field goal.

On the plus side I now know there is such a thing as to much football. We were at a bar yesterday and they had FIVE GAMES on at the same time. It hurt my brain and I thought I'd have a siezure. OVER LOAD.

Penn, you guys got the right reject I think, Warner. Jacksonville let Brunnel sit for two reasons; to bring along Leftwich and #2...Brunnel might be done.


Larry Gude said:
...the right tackle problem is a nightmare. Jones is horrible and Ray Brown is my age.

...Brunnel is still taking forever to make his reads. I wish TV showed more downfield overhead shots so I can see if his is just missing or if the WR crew is just not getting open.

Special Teams is giving special ed a bad name.

Gibbs has not fired the dolt in charge of replay challenges.

An extraordinary defense and their efforts are going down the tubes. They can not be expected to do any more. They gave up a friggin field goal.

On the plus side I now know there is such a thing as to much football. We were at a bar yesterday and they had FIVE GAMES on at the same time. It hurt my brain and I thought I'd have a siezure. OVER LOAD.

Penn, you guys got the right reject I think, Warner. Jacksonville let Brunnel sit for two reasons; to bring along Leftwich and #2...Brunnel might be done.
a lil.. :offtopic: but if it makes ya feel any better.....i just traded the gnx-3 for the 4 :razz:


Dancing Up A Storm
It's all true.........

Larry Gude said:
...the right tackle problem is a nightmare. Jones is horrible and Ray Brown is my age.

...Brunnel is still taking forever to make his reads. I wish TV showed more downfield overhead shots so I can see if his is just missing or if the WR crew is just not getting open.

Special Teams is giving special ed a bad name.

Gibbs has not fired the dolt in charge of replay challenges.

An extraordinary defense and their efforts are going down the tubes. They can not be expected to do any more. They gave up a friggin field goal.

On the plus side I now know there is such a thing as to much football. We were at a bar yesterday and they had FIVE GAMES on at the same time. It hurt my brain and I thought I'd have a siezure. OVER LOAD.

Penn, you guys got the right reject I think, Warner. Jacksonville let Brunnel sit for two reasons; to bring along Leftwich and #2...Brunnel might be done.
Everything you said was echoed in the Washington Times this morning.

The only thing you missed, that they brought up was that Portis just isn't hacking it. He's coughing up the ball, and trying to be too cute a runner.

They(The Times) weren't very gracious to him, concerning his rushing stats so far this year. They made light that Tiki Barber has outgained Portis, and hasn't fumbled the ball even once this year.

It also sounded like they are lowering their expectations for the 'skins record, too.

Near the bottom of the article, they said "This is NOT a Joe Gibbs typically- coached team.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

That's denial.

they said "This is NOT a Joe Gibbs typically- coached team.

It is a VERY much Gibbs coached team. Week one was like being in a time capsule and any old school skin fan will tell you that. The way the line was firing off, the look and feel of the offense, the glory of that counter rumbling like a freight train.

The D and teams were never Gibbs.

Offensively, Gibbs gave us game after game after game that was a nail biter that we'd usually win when the other guy made the critical mistake.

This year, the Giants game was one of those nightmare deal. It happens, rarely, but it happens.

The Cowboys game we were simply robbed, twice. You rarely overcome 14 points in this league.

The Browns game reaked of doubt starting to slip in.

And then the Ravens game. We could EASILY be 5-0, or 4-1.

The penalties are a thing of the past and jail breaks on the quarterback are over to. Those were Spurriers flaws; discipline, which a professional is SUPPOSSED to have and Spurriers O truly had the defense dead to rigths on every play because you can't cover 4 and 5 guys BUT...BUT, in the NFL you don't have the one more second Spurrier needed for somebody to get free.

So, the team is MUCH better overall, but it is useless if your offense can't make a drive when they have to. The D gave the O 10 points pretty much last night, a short field after turnovers. The offense has got to mount a drive at crunch time.

So, back to right tackle, throw in the newness factor which equals the hesitancy Portis is complaining about and...Brunnel.

His dead ball that Deion picked was another dead floater into double coverage. Sanders was almost fielding a punt. It killed what was looking like 'the drive' that would have kept the ball away from Jamal.

His is in the process of killing Coles, one game at a time and he's choosing to not throw a jump ball, a la T. Owens or Randy Moss, to Gardner and let the guy make a play.

Your guy, conversely, just looks like he's amking decisions in the nick of time and getting the ball off.

Maybe the film shows Mark doing exactly what Gibbs wants. I mean, when your D is giving up maybe a field goal here and there, all you gotta do is NOT make a turnover and then make a play or two later to win so, I could be scapegoating.

He did make a SUPERB on the run throw to Cooley for the TD.

And the sack/TD was Betts fault. He didn't even chip the guy.

So, this is Gibbs. We're just playing, on offense, tense as hell and making different mistakes from last year.

Tough times ahead.