I find this funny... Pelosi..


This Space for Rent
For her part, Pelosi largely restated criticism of Bush's plans for Social Security that she and other Democrats have been leveling for days.

"We can solve this long-term challenge without dismantling Social Security and without allowing this administration's false declaration of a crisis justify a privatization plan that is unnecessary," she said.

For years, Dems have screamed about the right killing Social Security. That this was a disaster looming over us because Republicans refused to fix it. Now, there is no crisis... its all good. What are those silly Republicans talkingh about?! :lmao:


What gets me, and I heard Kerry talking about this on MTP Sunday, is that Dems are running around saying there is no problem with Social Security because it's solvent through the next 40 or so years, and after that they can just pay out 80% of the benefits, or we can raise taxes at that time. Whatever happened to the party of America's children? It seems they're perfectly happy to screw our kids to buy votes today.


Bruzilla said:
What gets me, and I heard Kerry talking about this on MTP Sunday, is that Dems are running around saying there is no problem with Social Security because it's solvent through the next 40 or so years, and after that they can just pay out 80% of the benefits, or we can raise taxes at that time. Whatever happened to the party of America's children? It seems they're perfectly happy to screw our kids to buy votes today.
:yeahthat: And AlGores "lockbox"


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FromTexas said:
For years, Dems have screamed about the right killing Social Security. That this was a disaster looming over us because Republicans refused to fix it. Now, there is no crisis... its all good. What are those silly Republicans talkingh about?! :lmao:
What is MORE surprising is, they're against his plan for Social Security - and he hasn't even *revealed* it yet!

Why does anyone vote for guys like this anymore? The whole agenda seems to be nothing more than "oppose Republicans".

They're now on record as reaming a black female appointee for Secretary of State, and belittling an historic election where people walked for miles to cast the first vote in their lives against the real possibility they might get shot. They're not FOR democracy, the ordinary guy, for human rights, for women, for minorities - they have abandoned those core principles for "beating the Republicans". They offer no alternatives, show no innovation, demonstrate no political courage (except to say 'brave' things to a choir of approving voices).

And if they could win offices without the minority vote, or the union vote, or the woman vote - they would do it. It's become purely political. They're adrift.


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Bruzilla said:
What gets me, and I heard Kerry talking about this on MTP Sunday, is that Dems are running around saying there is no problem with Social Security because it's solvent through the next 40 or so years, and after that they can just pay out 80% of the benefits, or we can raise taxes at that time. Whatever happened to the party of America's children? It seems they're perfectly happy to screw our kids to buy votes today.
This is also proof that Dems never grasp the basic concepts of economics - they ignore the concept of *inflation*, for example. It's idiotic to wait years until the box is *empty*. Plan NOW.

They'll claim there's no need to raise the age limit, raise the taxes or cut benefits, and AT THE SAME TIME claim - "we saved it in '83" - where they raised the age limit, cut benefits, and raised taxes.

They drive me crazy. You're right, Social Security was in "crisis" last election, and was one of the main planks of Al Gore's campaign - NOW, for some reason, it's solvent - I *guess* due to the Republicans, since they've been in charge the last four years.