I find this pretty ironic...


New Member
Ha ha ha ha ha ha I am a die hard Boyz fan myself, I mean heck I named one of my kids after them. Anywho, I am just fed up with his antics. I know Jerry Jones wants to win and I don't care that he does have more receiving TD's than anyone in the NFC, he has more drops than anyone in the NFL!!!! This coupled with all of the crap that comes with him. Can't wait till we cut him, I know he will be wearing an indian on the side of his helmet next year, the only one worse in the NFL for giving Losers a bunch of money than Jones, is Snyder. Come on Skins fans before you blast me look at what your owner has done for you so far. He is pathetic!!!! But this is my time to bash my team. We as a team cannot beat anyone with a winning record (other than the Colts), look at us this year. Do we deserve to be in the playoffs? No I don't think so. Who credible besides the Colts have we beaten? Anyway this goes Deeper than TO, but he is at the frontline with it. I say the Axe to him, the Axe to the O Line with the exception of Marco and Flozell, and the Axe to All the D Backs except Williams, and Newman!!!! Just my two cents!!!


I know nothing
nachomama said:
OK, I'm on my rant again. Most of you know, I'm a diehard Cowboy fan and an even bigger diehard T.O. Hater...

This guy I work with has a 2 1/2 year old son, who got this book for Christmas this year. He said the minute his son opened it, he busted out laughing and immediately thought of me.


He Should have known better than to purchase that hypocrits book..... :lmao: He's done in the NFL

Peter Forsberg

New Member
pgtransplant said:
R :whistle: edskins are one of the most profitable teams in the NFL no matter how bad they suck.. they are making money....
Redskins make money because they ripoff the fans. $25.00 to park, $7.00 for 12oz beer. $3.00 to use the bathroom.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
From the link...

Young children will learn an important and valuable lesson about sharing through this wonderfully illustrated and fun book written by NFL star Terrell Owens. Little T is a boy who doesn't want to share his new football; he is afraid that his friends might mess it up. When he tries to play by himself, however, he realizes that football isn't any fun alone. Thanks to his mother's good advice, he wins back his friends, and learns the virtue of sharing and the importance of being fair.

What next? Mike Tyson's Roadway Etiquette book?



New Member
LordStanley said:
He Should have known better than to purchase that hypocrits book..... :lmao: He's done in the NFL

Nah. Moss is gone from the Raiders. IF Dallas cuts TO, and I think that will be a big if, the Raiders have the budget, and need the draw. Maybe, a Bear?? That would be interesting to see. Give a new young quarterback a viable reciever? Wow. What a show that would be eh?

Although Jerry and company seem like they are tired of the antics and if you believe the media speculation, it seems like TO is gone. BUT, he gives Dallas a viable weapon. As long as TO is on the field, he has to be covered.

I think if Jerry and company can hang this season over TO's big head, they can get him back next year with a smaller contract and get him in practice. This season should have humbled TO. Unless he is a true psychopath and truely believes that the dropped passes are not his fault, he will be back next year as a Cowpoke. just as many cowboy fans hate him as love him. He does attract a crowd.


New Member
nachomama said:
OK, I'm on my rant again. Most of you know, I'm a diehard Cowboy fan and an even bigger diehard T.O. Hater...

This guy I work with has a 2 1/2 year old son, who got this book for Christmas this year. He said the minute his son opened it, he busted out laughing and immediately thought of me.



Isn't that was TO does during the football games, gives the other team the ball?

T.O.'s a great team-mate and a great motivator: "You all suck!" :lmao: