I hate ticks!!!


New Member
Just got back from ER Fast Track at St. Mary's Hospital. Doc is pretty sure I have Lyme's Disease. I have been bitten by 5 ticks in the last 4 weeks. They did a blood test and I should get the results tomorrow or Sunday. Every bone and muscle in my body is screaming, my head hurts and I am just wore out. Thought maybe I was coming down with H1N1, but when I started having trouble walking today, I knew it wasn't the flu. They started me on antibiotics and pain meds. At least it was caught early.

One more thing---not all people get the "bullseye" rash. I didn't know that.


happy to be living
Just got back from ER Fast Track at St. Mary's Hospital. Doc is pretty sure I have Lyme's Disease. I have been bitten by 5 ticks in the last 4 weeks. They did a blood test and I should get the results tomorrow or Sunday. Every bone and muscle in my body is screaming, my head hurts and I am just wore out. Thought maybe I was coming down with H1N1, but when I started having trouble walking today, I knew it wasn't the flu. They started me on antibiotics and pain meds. At least it was caught early.

One more thing---not all people get the "bullseye" rash. I didn't know that.

Hopefully the antibiotics and other meds will help you get back to normal. Get well soon!


Sounds like they caught it in good time, I've seen people that have had it for years and didn't know, ended up having pic lines put in with the antibiotics, very serious.

Glad they caught it soon.


New Member
Sounds like they caught it in good time, I've seen people that have had it for years and didn't know, ended up having pic lines put in with the antibiotics, very serious.

Glad they caught it soon.

I am very hopeful that it was the recent tick bites that caused it. They did mention that if there is no improvement in my symptoms within 10 days, I would have to have IV antibiotics. I can't imagine what those people who have had it for years felt. I have only had it a short time (I hope)and I cannot tell you how bad the pain is.
I am surprised that I found these ticks too. They were no bigger than the head of a pin and located :whistle: :blushing:. (I can hear the jokes already)

Now I am wondering if one of my doxies has it. She has what I thought was ringworm and I have been treating the area as such but it isn't getting better. I guess it is a trip to the vet on Monday (she's 9 yrs old but shows no symptoms other than a sore that looks like ringworm0.


another LD support group forming....

just trying to help others!

Hi everyone! There is another support group JUST forming, it is being started as ONLINE only, for the time being until the "kinks" are worked out. (Most of us go to the Support Group at the Calvert hospital as well.) The new group is NOT for Calvert County residents only, ANYONE can join in. You can't get enough info on LD. If we get enough people into this group it could branch out!
Here is the link: CalvertCountyLyme :