I hate Zumba


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Seriously, it's not fun. Maybe if the instructors would teach you a routine and that's what you do instead of the only person who knows what they're doing being the instructor, it wouldn't be so bad. As it stands you have one person who is actually moving and doing it right, while everyone else is flailing about. Trying to follow someone else's spur of the moment dance moves sucks.

Maybe a couple of the instructor's faithful regulars have the steps down, but now it becomes this little cliquey club with insiders and outsiders, and that is about as boring as it gets.

I don't understand how Zumba became so popular.


Salt Life
Zumba is no different than other classes that gyms offer. They are all routine-based and you just follow along. Some Zumba instructors will keep the same songs/routine for a few weeks and slowly introduce other songs. This is so people *can* get used to the moves and be more comfortable.


Zumba is the reason we switched gyms, that music was too damn loud and annoying. Now we have racquet ball. :dance:


Jam out with ur clam out
Seriously, it's not fun. Maybe if the instructors would teach you a routine and that's what you do instead of the only person who knows what they're doing being the instructor, it wouldn't be so bad. As it stands you have one person who is actually moving and doing it right, while everyone else is flailing about. Trying to follow someone else's spur of the moment dance moves sucks.

Maybe a couple of the instructor's faithful regulars have the steps down, but now it becomes this little cliquey club with insiders and outsiders, and that is about as boring as it gets.

I don't understand how Zumba became so popular.

:shrug:... the instructor i have had does show and explain what to do.

the first class i was a hot mess... but did catch on. and NO ONE in the class was right on.


New Member


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RBF expert

It really does depend on your instructor. When the craze first started, I used to hit a class with a couple girlfriends and the instructor was some professional latin dancer and she really taught the class well: she explained what we were doing, the music had repetitive parts so each song consisted of like 3-4 different sets, and after 2-3 classes we had these stepsdown, for each of the songs. Most importantly they were easy enough for the uncoordinated and I've never sweat so much just from a dance class! Helped that my friends were there too, so we had an absolute blast. It became something to look forward to.

THEN, that instructor got picked up by some professional dancing gig and the new instructor was a total dud. We all promptly found another class or whatever to do. Tried one class down here, some thing. The instructors around here just don't have the "it" factor I'd need to pick it back up again. I'm good friends with one of the local Zumba instructors and I know what training she's had and it's pretty laughable. I would never step a foot in her class.

I'm good with Spin and Body Pump for now. :coffee:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Seriously, it's not fun. Maybe if the instructors would teach you a routine and that's what you do instead of the only person who knows what they're doing being the instructor, it wouldn't be so bad. As it stands you have one person who is actually moving and doing it right, while everyone else is flailing about. Trying to follow someone else's spur of the moment dance moves sucks.

Maybe a couple of the instructor's faithful regulars have the steps down, but now it becomes this little cliquey club with insiders and outsiders, and that is about as boring as it gets.

I don't understand how Zumba became so popular.
I hate it, too. I've tried it a few times. I know I am no Soul Train dancer, but I am far from Elaine. I've taken many different aerobic dance classes over the past 4 decades....this one is the only program not using verbal cues along with semi step-by-step demonstration. It is extremely fast paced and yby the time you catch on- it's time for a new song.

To me- it's always felt like a showcase for the instructor. Out of a class of 30+ there might be 1 other woman who knew what she was doing. Maybe the women taking the class don't realize they aren't actually learning many dance steps. They're just in it to move around and they do their own thing. :shrug:
I fully understand and agree with a class sucking when you have no clue whats happening. Zumba is supposed to feel like a party and not 'exercise'- hence the dance moves and not very many cues used. This was my first experience with Zumba- no cues- and I had NO idea how anyone learned anything.

With classes such as step and kick boxing etc - we are cued and told whats coming next- things repeat and build and we learn routines- in zumba it SHOULD be that way- but they often 'silent cue' with hand signs and just dance along without you.

A good instructor makes all the difference - then you too are dancing along- knowing the cues before the instructor makes them and sweating like crazy having fun.

Some instructors I believe, have too much ego and just start throwing down- there is no repetition and no cues so no one is following except her 2 best friends up front who wrote the routine with her.

As for clicks- some gym/classes have that- some dont. I quit my gym after I moved - the one I live closer to now is WAY too click-ish. My old gym was one big happy group- no clicks- I bought a home gym and never looked back but would love to find a great Zumba instructor (or step or any dance oriented class) I could just drop in on once or twice a week.


New Member
My Zumba instructor is great!! We have loads of fun and no one feels left out. It feels like a party with the color lights strobing, music blaring and everyone hollering. Since the steps are repeated frequently, it's not too hards to get the routine. There are some steps/moves that other people do better. Hey, but I'm in it for some calorie-burning and fun.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I hate all group workout activities. I sucked at kickboxing and I'm pretty sure I would suck at Zumba too. :lol:


New Member
I suck at exercise...PERIOD.

Unless of course you count running after a tazmanian devil like 2 year old around up and down stairs...round and round the house when he steals the remotes, puts my shoes in the toilet, thinks hiding keys is fun and colors the dogs? Keeps me pretty active, at one time I DID want to try Zumba, but it looks too hard :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
See, and I don't suck at exercise. I'm fairly sporty and athletic, reasonably coordinated....I just don't enjoy Zumba.


I'm not very coordinated so I workout at home as a favor to others. :dye:

On a scale of 1 to 10, my rhythm is a -1. The handler wants me to try a zumba class with her, I am sure I will have a broken leg before the first class is done. :cds:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
On a scale of 1 to 10, my rhythm is a -1. The handler wants me to try a zumba class with her, I am sure I will have a broken leg before the first class is done. :cds:

Break your leg on the way to class! :lol: