Originally posted by SamSpade
Whining, bitching, kvetching and threatening a station until they can no longer air a movie that hasn't even been *read* much less aired - they were able to block the airing of a movie - yeah, that is a violation of free speech.
Did the government block it? Was there some sort of official sanction that censored this movie in any way?
I'd agree with you 100% if there was some sort of governmental process that put the kibosh on the Reagan's wank-fest, but to my knowledge there was not. It was citizens and private groups or institutions who rallied.
So, the question is begged: Is it not
my right, and within the boundaries of
my freedom of speech to whine, btch, kvetch and threaten a station if they do something I don't like? How about making it the policy of my company to not buy products from other companies that advertised their wares on the Character Assassination Du Jour? And rallying like minded companies to join me?
That was my whole beef with the Dixie Chicks' fuster-cluck. They said something that was unpopular and the received a backlash for it. Tough shizzle. Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences.
Unless they ended up in gulag for saying what they said - which they did not - then all this cowering under the vast blanket of "Freedom of Speech" is nothing more than an emotional appeal to the American citizen's respect for the constitution and freedom.
Whenever the Klan throws a bigot-rally or whatever crap it is they do, more people show up to protest them than klan members showed up in the first place. Nobody complains that the Klan's right to free speech is being infringed. And neither do I. Tough beans for the klan. It's my right to think that The Dixie Chicks, The KKK and CBS (or Showtime) are all blithering idiots who deserve whatever backlash they get, and try to cause some of that backlash myself.
Originally posted by SamSpade
It's not prosecutable, but it would be the same if I blocked your publishing a book that I thought was TOO right-wing for my tastes.
Depends on what you mean by "blocked".
Did you protest me? Threaten a boycott? Threaten to dig up dirt on me?
Or did you get a cease and desist order from the court, or have me incarcerated? Or did you blow up the publishing company destroying my manuscript and the printing press.
Originally posted by SamSpade
To add fuel to the mix, the left said that the torrent of effort against the movie did not come from the public, but by more powerful right-wing groups.
The left also says that Hussein was a misuderstood innocent victim of American (read: Bush's) Greed.
They also throw around terms like "vast right-wing conspiracy".
What powerful right-wing groups did or said something to physically force the termination of this movie - which incidentally aired yesterday on Showtime.
The fact is nobody
blocked this movie. CBS simply lacked the moxie to give the proverbial finger to their consumer base. Showtime knows their market just as well. They air shows like "Queer as Folk", and "The L Word". I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that their consumer base was salivating for some hot sweaty Reagan-bashing.
Originally posted by SamSpade
Do they have a point? To be fair - they *might*. When Herr Klinton was in office, any celebrity that went on record as saying they couldn't stand the guy didn't make it onto anyone's list.
What a small, insignificant, and negligable group that was. Off the top of my head I can think of 4 or 5 'outed' Republicans in Hollywood - out of how many?
If the Liberal Left-Coast juggernaut black-balls such a small and non-vocal minority, it would look horrible on them. Do they have the right to do it? Sure - but they know it's not in their best interest to do so.
Originally posted by SamSpade
When people said how much they despised Clinton, there wasn't this wall of people saying "we're not going to watch you anymore, or buy your records".
Refresh my memory - which groups said this? Which musical bands, for instance, specifically took up an anti-Clinton stance and went 'in yer face' with it?
Originally posted by SamSpade
They didn't take dislike of Clinton so personally. Somehow, since Bush took office, a slight against Bush IS taken personally.
C'mon. Remember the buzzwords back in the day like "HATESPEECH", "HATEMONGERING" directed at anyone who thought Clinton was a bone-head.
Ironically the people who threw around words like "hatespeech" are the same ones saying the most vile things imaginable about Bush.