I have gotta share this...


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Live feed to Subservient Chicken

I asked the chicken to get upside down, get angry, tell time, jump and he did! :lmao: Then I told him thanks and he bowed. :roflmao:

Be nice now....:dance:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I can't get it to run on this machine and on my other one, it ran out of memory. :bawl:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...you pick that up at DU?

That's where I saw it.

Tell chicken to do the Chicken dance and the charade is over. Chicken just dances but NOT the Chicken Dance.

Tell chicken to do Hokey Pokey, game over.


Asperger's Poster Child
How far will the chicken go to obey your commands? Here are some strange ones I tried:

"Get into fryer" (doesn't work)
"Worship Satan" (this works)
"Trash your room" (works)
"Curse" (doesn't)
"Play guitar" (works)
"Kill your televison" (chicken does martial arts pose in front of TV)
"Run into wall" (works, sort of)
"Lust after Britney Spears" (nope)
"Become a cowboy" (works)
"Become homosexual" (caption "Chicken may be performing acts unsuitable for all audiences")


New Member
he tried to roll over, but the tail feathers got in the way. He did jumping jacks when I told him to jump up and down. He waved bye bye when I told him to take a bow and wave bye bye. When I asked if he knew this was really sick, he shrugged. :lmao: