I just got a panasonic toughbook, cf=m34.


New Member
I need to get a cd drive for it, do any types not work with this older laptop? And any other suggestions on how to update it would be appreciated.


New Member
I need to get a cd drive for it, do any types not work with this older laptop? And any other suggestions on how to update it would be appreciated.

I looked at it on the web.
Looks like it has 64 MB of RAM and a 10G hard drive. Must be running windows 95, ME or 2000. It has a USB port so you should be able to get a cd drive for it at best buy or circuit city. I could not be sure how well it will run. Since the USB is not USB 2, it may not be very fast. Most of those places will allow you to return it if it does not work in the first 14 days.

It is a fairly old system-seems like Windows XP is the baseline these days but it probably is not compatible with this system. You may be able to upgrade the ram cheaply. (I probably have some laptop ram which you can have - problem is that I dont know how much your system will support.) Might be able to put a bigger hard-drive but I cant tell and it is not worth the cost. I would not put much money into it.
Good luck! I would be glad to take a shot at more specific questions.


New Member
ive tried hooking up other usb things and everytime it told me that there was no drive to run the device on, you're right, I dont intend on spending much on this thing, but, thanks for the advice on cd drives and such


what OS is it Running ..... you may need DOS USB drivers to get an external USB CD Rom Working ..... it may have had a "dock" originally and that may have had a CD Rom Drive .........