I just spent


New Member
(TOTALLY off subject) an hour running my dog up and down our hill (that has a main road at the bottom of it) and jerking her back every time a car would rush past trying to train her. Let me tell you, it wore me out -shew- The leash broke when i was walking her and she takes off running right down the hill and across the road to the neighbors yard, and i made her run her little butt all the way back and then i took her and would run her down the hill and jerk her back before the road and say "NO!"

One of these days she going to get hit. She has no car/road sence, and once shes off that leash she WILL NOT LISTEN at all. no matter how much you try and train her, she totally ignores you. Seemed to make her more affraid. Id keep running towards the road from the top of the hill and shed stop right where i was jerking her back and making her sit, and then shed crouch down when a car would come... although, i HIGHLY doubt she will do that if she gets off the leash again. Shes a jackrussel/beagle cross... so shes CRAZY!


New Member
haha good luck with that....

even pepper got her foot squished last week from a car tire, poor puppy


I love her wild,wild hair
IntegritysDream;once shes off that leash she [B said:
WILL NOT LISTEN [/B]at all. no matter how much you try and train her, she totally ignores you.

I have a Chiauiaui (sp) and I know what you mean. When she gets outside off the leash she just runs no matter how much you call her, like she can't hear. She doesn't get to spend much time outside because of that and only walking her on a leash gets old. If she would stay on the farm I wouldn't mind but you know the first place they will go will be the road and I don't think we could live without her. I had a Jack Russell years ago and they never listen when they are on a scent. I didn't have any ground hogs or moles like I do now. Maybe I should get another one:) Good luck in your training, maybe she will get it someday.


New Member
haha i thought about a shock collar. Still have to look into it, but i dont think shed understand that the shock means NO! lol!