I Like This Diet!!!


Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds - CNN.com

For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream of Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Haub munched on Doritos chips, sugary cereals and Oreos, too.

His premise: That in weight loss, pure calorie counting is what matters most -- not the nutritional value of the food.

The premise held up: On his "convenience store diet," he shed 27 pounds in two months.


Throwing the deuces
My husband used to eat a bowl of Corn Flakes for breakfast, no lunch, and fast food for dinner when he was single. Got no exercise and was skinny. After we got married, he eats better/healthier and gets lots of exercise and is fat. :confused: I've told him to go back to the "bachelor" diet and get skinny again. :lol: