I lost....



I know I haven't posted much about my weight loss lately, but that is because I have been on a major plateau. :twitch:


I lost 2% of my bodyfat in the last 6 weeks. I am shocked. Weight training really does work!!

My trainer was shocked that I lost that much in 6 weeks being a woman and all. She was expecting 1% to be lost.



Kizzy said:
Keep up the good work :yay:

How is the move going?

We have the stuff in storage right now, and are living in a hotel until we go to settlement in 7 days. Then :crossing fingers: we can move in on the 31st. BUT..it won't be until that weekend because of working.

Me and the dogs will be sleeping in the new house on the floor/air mattress until that weekend.


Just like I said to you before, if you need anything, let me know. :cheers:


Princess of Mean
Good for you on your weight loss! I just know when I get back home my uniform isn't going to fit, dang Lutheran funeral traditions. I must've had 4 separate funeral related suppers in the last 4 days, not including all the bars and snacks everyone brought. All that hard work going down the tubes. I shovelled snow when I got here (Iowa) for the exercise.


Hello6 said:
Good for you on your weight loss! I just know when I get back home my uniform isn't going to fit, dang Lutheran funeral traditions. I must've had 4 separate funeral related suppers in the last 4 days, not including all the bars and snacks everyone brought. All that hard work going down the tubes. I shovelled snow when I got here (Iowa) for the exercise.

First, I am really sorry to hear about the loss of any family member- I recently lost my favorite grandmother and it feels so wierd that she isn't there anymore, but as you know, a long illness combined with the crippling effects of age are also hard to witness- there just isn't a 'good' time.

Lutheran Eh? I am sorry that a funeral is what started this thread, but I have to say that I am myself a recovering Lutheran :crazy: Actually, I don't think it is something you 'chose' in my family. I am from a LONG and proud* line of Norveegans that settled in North Dah-Koat-a in the early 1800s. At least the baked goodies I grew up with (though colorless) were all so sweet and crunchy! mmmm- I fondly remember Christmas over the years- I still blame that upbringing for the 30 extra I am carrying now and my tendency to bake impulsively...

Speaking of which...I definitely need some inspiration- I seem to do well all day- then I lose it all when I get home and go nuts- sigh -If you could be here you would be able to smell the 50 chocolate chip cookies that are cooling on the table right now- my excuse is that I am going to take them to my class tomorrow (never mind that that was NOT the original intention when I started them- but it helps to have an 'out' after the initial 'binge' period passes).

Cheers to all!

*(I get the family 'test' every time I visit- who was your great grandmother, where did they leave off of in Norway and when...OOFTA- I still can't remember- and if I could read Norwegian, it wouldn't be an issue anyway since the family line from 1600 is written in GREAT detail on the inside of some of the oldest bibles I have ever seen!)


professional daydreamer
MLE, step away from the kitchen.

You guys wouldn't believe some of the goody's she pulls outta' that oven.


elaine said:
MLE, step away from the kitchen.

You guys wouldn't believe some of the goody's she pulls outta' that oven.

She came out in the open and posted too. :shocking:


Princess of Mean
I've been getting the "Oh yeahs" down pat here doncha know, and I too have been having to hear at length about the 25% of me that has the privelage of being Norwegian. Thank GOD no one has tried to feed me that potato paste that passes for Kuumla, but I do regret the lack of lefsa to be had at Granny's passing. Fortunately, my sister posesses that skill.
My Dad got on my case today cause I wasn't waving at everyone I saw. :rolleyes:
And, I added yet another local treat to the beltline....breaded cauliflower, breaded cheese balls, and a pizzaburger. I think I may be ill.


MLE said:
If you could be here you would be able to smell the 50 chocolate chip cookies that are cooling on the table right now

MMMMM>>>>chocolate chip cookies...(and not Chips Ahoy)

My mom used to make them all the time, but not anymore.


PREMO Member
Katie said:
MMMMM>>>>chocolate chip cookies.
I would rather have a Ho Ho and a Twinkie.

Could you imagine taking a bite out of a Ho Ho and then taking a bite out of a Twinkle, while the Ho Ho is still in your mouth.
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
DoWhat said:
I would rather have a Ho Ho and a Twinkie.

Could you imagine taking a bite out of a Ho Ho and then taking a bite out of a Twinkle, while the Ho Ho is still in your mouth.
I bet you don't mix your peas and mashed taters.


New Member
DoWhat said:
I would rather have a Ho Ho and a Twinkie.

Could you imagine taking a bite out of a Ho Ho and then taking a bite out of a Twinkle, while the Ho Ho is still in your mouth.


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RoseRed said:
I bet you don't mix your peas and mashed taters.
mmmm peas and mashed taters...I LOVE that! Especially at Thanksgiving with lots of gravy swirled in, like the chocolate stripe in the fudge ripple ice cream...


elaine said:
MLE, step away from the kitchen.

You guys wouldn't believe some of the goody's she pulls outta' that oven.

We are half way done with the floors! I can't wait till they are finished- makes that tiny old kitchen look like a real cooking-type-place. :banana: You will have to come see! I am trying to resist the temptation to call you over now, but I know that it will be even cooler when the whole of it is complete and there aren't bare patches of plywood showing.


Hello6 said:
I've been getting the "Oh yeahs" down pat here doncha know, and I too have been having to hear at length about the 25% of me that has the privelage of being Norwegian. Thank GOD no one has tried to feed me that potato paste that passes for Kuumla, but I do regret the lack of lefsa to be had at Granny's passing. Fortunately, my sister posesses that skill.
My Dad got on my case today cause I wasn't waving at everyone I saw. :rolleyes:
And, I added yet another local treat to the beltline....breaded cauliflower, breaded cheese balls, and a pizzaburger. I think I may be ill.

I has taken me 20 + years to master Lefse- and now that I have succeeded, I will pass unless specifically asked- sheesh- how friggin' much time and effort is one little paper thin potato lefse worth anyway...with the butter melted on it while it is still hot and powdery, and some honey thrown in on top...rolled up into a little ...um...roll...mmmm...I wonder if I have the cream and potatos to make some this weekend....:homer gurgle: