I love it...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I love it when I listen to a really great song and it gives me the chills. :dance:

...that's interesting as I've always wondered how much music gets people off. At it's best, to me, music puts me in a state of spiritual ecstasy and I know lots of people that it doesn't reach that level.

So, what does music do to everybody?

Better mood?
Not much?


professional daydreamer
...that's interesting as I've always wondered how much music gets people off. At it's best, to me, music puts me in a state of spiritual ecstasy and I know lots of people that it doesn't reach that level.

So, what does music do to everybody?

Better mood?
Not much?

This should be it's own thread.


art imitating life
:shrug: I don't mind her so much. I like their music.

I love music!!!!! I listen to pretty much everything... the music I play usually depends on what mood Im already in.. but Ill tell you I LOVE listening to a great song with the windows down in my car and its about 75 degrees and just crusin' :)


I love music!!!!! I listen to pretty much everything... the music I play usually depends on what mood Im already in.. but Ill tell you I LOVE listening to a great song with the windows down in my car and its about 75 degrees and just crusin' :)
Good for the soul.