I Love John Riggins


My Sweetest Boy
Well, not that that is any news but....

Regarding "fixing" the Skins...taken from his Facebook page..."As far as cleaning up this mess, toss me $7,000,000, I'm sure I can come up with something, and I promise not to hire my wife or brothers."


aka Mrs. Giant
That would be a shame, because his brother Frank is a really good marketing guy. I think he would be a good hire. :lol:


My Sweetest Boy
That would be a shame, because his brother Frank is a really good marketing guy. I think he would be a good hire. :lol:

Uh..Miggy..the reason they are in so much poop is because their marketing guy thinks he's a football genius. :lol:

Actually, as I've said before Snyder could give a rat's butt about his team as long as he's putting butts in the seats and people are buy his wares.


aka Mrs. Giant
Yes, but Frank is a brother to John. He does know football. :lmao: And he is really good at marketing. I used to work with him in DC.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Big Al has been suspended for the rest of the year by Bruce and Shanny. Could this be that thing knows accountability? In Ashburn?