I Need An Expert on the 92 Dallas Cowboys



I met this guy at dinner the other night who said he was a safety on the 1992 Dallas Cowboys. I've heard this guy does have a Super Bowl ring, but he didn't have it on last night. The looked a bit old to have been playing safety in 1992, and I was wondering if there were any Dallas fans out there who if they saw this guy's picture could tell me if he was in fact on the team?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Which one was he, Bates, Everett, Gant, Horton, Washington, Williams, or Woodson?


New Member
Those were the days. Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I had to do that. They are my boys and I love em! Yeah I was no help to ya, but with a picture I could be.



New Member
Nupe, nice, you know that is one good thing about the skins actually pulling off some wins, I get some good conversation started now. Ha ha ha. I am not saying you personally, I don't know you, but I know a lot of skins fans that came out of the woodwork this year, shew where were they hiding for the past ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 15 years. I can't wait till september, let's get it on. GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
big_poppa said:
Nupe, nice, you know that is one good thing about the skins actually pulling off some wins, I get some good conversation started now. Ha ha ha. I am not saying you personally, I don't know you, but I know a lot of skins fans that came out of the woodwork this year, shew where were they hiding for the past ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 15 years. I can't wait till september, let's get it on. GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Born and raised in DC and I've been a skins fan since the days of Sonny Jurgenson and Charlie Taylor. :yay:


New Member
Nupe2 it's all good man. I am glad to see that ones that have been there for a loooooong time. It is just after the second game against y'all this year (which by the way I stayed in my seat at FedEx until the final whistle blew, shew what a day), I had people calling me claiming to be skins fans that probably couldn't name five guys on the roster if I gave them two days and the interenet to use. You know the kind I am talking about. Like how we have sooooooooooo many Colts fans around here since they have been doing well year in and year out, well until they hit the playoffs atleast, and then they just stink. But anyway, I am definately looking forward to the season.
