I now understand the liberals pain


In My Opinion
They have a crappy life.
why is it that the ALL know people that are suffering so bad because of the evil conservatives?
example came in the E-Mail today from Move On. also known as Im a whinning liberal that cant think for myself.org.

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] Dear MoveOn member, [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif] This week, a good friend of mine was denied health care coverage because earlier this year a cut on her finger got infected. So far, no company in Texas will insure her. Another friend recently told me that he owes almost $100,000 in medical bills because his new baby daughter had a close call in her first week of life. How many stories like this have you heard?[/FONT]

How amazing and timely that just THIS WEEK, while people are arguing about socialist health care that this persons GOOD friend was denied health care because of a cut finger.
lets not even go into what would legally happen to any carrier that denied coverage for this reason.
And if thats not bad enough, another friend owes almost 100k because his daughter had a tough time of it in her first week.

how many stories like this have I heard? none. why? because all my friends are self supporting self respecting contributing citizens of their community.

all I can say is this. Maybe if he got some new friends outside of his crack circle, he might hear about all the wonderful things that can be had in this country if you only look to yourself to provide for your family and stopped begging the government to do it for you.

Liberals have a tough life, but its obvious that that bring it on themselves.

Good thing his friends daughter didnt have these problems under a socialized health care system such as Canada has. She certainly would have died waiting for her slot in the treatment mill.


This week, a good friend of mine was denied health care coverage because earlier this year a cut on her finger got infected. So far, no company in Texas will insure her.


A cut finger is not the kind of "Preexisting Condition you can get turned down for"

Speaking of Which, didn't Uncle Sugar ban IC's from denying insurance anymore, if you had a preexisting condition ?

of course I always though it was :bs: back in the day when a pregnant woman could not switch IC, because she had a preexisting condition .... :whistle:


No Use for Donk Twits
I understand a liberals crappy life. But why do they want everyone to share it?

It's equality of outcomes, not the quality of that outcome that matters. As Mike Adams says:

... socialists are generally short on abilities. They seek socialism because they think being guaranteed an average outcome is safer than trying to beat the average in a system based on merit, which is otherwise known as ability.


Lovin' being Texican
:bs:A cut finger is not the kind of "Preexisting Condition you can get turned down for"

The rip-roaring, uncontrolled and complicated Diabetes mellitus that caused the cut finger to get infected and the severe peripheral arterial disease secondary to the Diabetes might account for the denial of coverage. Normal finger cuts don't get infected unless you're a total boob or have underlying problems with your immunity.


No Use for Donk Twits
The rip-roaring, uncontrolled and complicated Diabetes mellitus that caused the cut finger to get infected and the severe peripheral arterial disease secondary to the Diabetes might account for the denial of coverage. Normal finger cuts don't get infected unless you're a total boob or have underlying problems with your immunity.

Or maybe if you keep sticking your fingers into places they don't belong....


Highlander's MPD
I understand a liberals crappy life. But why do they want everyone to share it?

"Misery loves Company!" I'm just glad I didn't turn out liberal. Most libs look miserable and unhappy and the sad part is that they don't even know it or just refuse to acknowledge it. Liberalism is a disease that affects the mind. Hopefully, someone will invent a cure, soon! Before it's too late.


I bowl overhand
The rip-roaring, uncontrolled and complicated Diabetes mellitus that caused the cut finger to get infected and the severe peripheral arterial disease secondary to the Diabetes might account for the denial of coverage. Normal finger cuts don't get infected unless you're a total boob or have underlying problems with your immunity.


I remember my mom getting her finger caught in a door. Broke skin.. Got infected.. Had minor surgery.. She fought that infected finger for probably 6 months.

People get infections in "normal" cuts EVERY day, not just their fingers, without suffereing from diabetes, or PAD, or AIDS..

I bet there are 2 or 3 people that will read this in the next few days that have an infection in a "normal" cut... and some may not even know it yet.


New Member
I am a liberal conservative, I beleive all American citizens should get good medical care cheap. Only American citizens though, all others, well, that is too bad.


New Member
I am a liberal conservative, I beleive all American citizens should get good medical care cheap. Only American citizens though, all others, well, that is too bad.

In reality we all do just that, if you go in you get fixed. However we expect someone to pay.