

New Member
Hardly. Do you think he doesn't have the financial support to fight the ruling himself?
More likely it's the ACLU trying to jump into the limelight; it fit into their political calculus.


Asperger's Poster Child
Do you remember when the ACLU defended the right of neo-Nazis who wanted to march in Skokie, a largely Jewish suburb of Chicago?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I was wondering if they would jump to his aid.

The ACLU gets a bad rap every time some obvious bad guy goes free but I think they serve a critical role.

They serve to challenge the awesome power of the state and to challenge prosecutors, lawmakers and, at the end of the day, voters, to make sure our systems of justice are as open, fair and honest as they can and should be.

What's his face Dershowitz was all defensive and what not when he helped get OJ off and his main point was that 'the prosecutors did such an awful job, don't blame me'.

ACLU serves the same type role.

I'd just like Dersh to publish a paper, in the interest of justice, detailing what Darden and Co. SHOULD have done and what laws need to be changed or added to help ensure the guilty don't go free to often. Trade secrets.

I think Rush is re-thinking his position on 'don't ask, don't tell'.
