I Salute You


Well-Known Member
Real Sorry to see this, he had already served 3 previous tours, guess that is what happens when our military is always fighting a never ending war in any given country in the middle east.
Rest In Peace Sgt. Strong

. Officials: Apparent insider attack killed U.S. Marine

A member of the U.S. Marine Corps' elite special operations command was killed in Afghanistan this week in an apparent insider attack.

Sgt. Charles C. Strong, 28, of Suffolk, Va., was killed Sept. 15, in Herat province, a spokesman for Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command confirmed.

Strong was a critical skills operator attached to 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., according to a news release, and had served in the Marines since 2003.

A former military police officer with two deployments to Iraq and a previous tour in Afghanistan, Strong joined the command in 2013, officials said.

A spokesman for International Security Assistance Force, Marine Maj. Paul Greenberg, confirmed in a previous news release that an ISAF service member had been killed in western Afghanistan Sept. 15 by an individual wearing an Afghan National Army uniform. That release did not identify the fallen service member.



Larry Gude

Strung Out
How about we start apologizing to these good men and their families and get them the #### out of there?

Oh, and not send them off to go die for some other #### hole.


Well-Known Member
How about we start apologizing to these good men and their families and get them the #### out of there?

Oh, and not send them off to go die for some other #### hole.

Agree with you 100% on this one Larry. IMHO we have the best Military Branches in the world, whose job it is, is to go win wars, and then get out. Get the politics out of the military and let them do their job.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Agree with you 100% on this one Larry. IMHO we have the best Military Branches in the world, whose job it is, is to go win wars, and then get out. Get the politics out of the military and let them do their job.


It's coming in Iraq/Syria. Another good man training some ####tard who has infiltrated the unit and turns on them.

I mean, god damn it. How many years, YEARS did we work with the Shia Iraqi's? To what end? It has nothing to do with training. It's all abut motives. Those people need to be left be.


Active Member
If it were live and let live, I'd agree with you. But they want to destroy us. As a vet, there are those of us who swore to lay down our lives to protect yours; honor those who do by believing in what they are doing. ....or don't, because those who are putting themselves in harm's way are doing it so you can have the right to object, as well. Most in the military will tell you that hearing people say "we support you, but don't agree with us being over there", would rather you just not say anything.

Saw the motorcade come through Chuck County on the way to VA. Didn't take much to figure out what it was. Just wish there'd been advance notice - I'd have been out there saluting, sans latte.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If it were live and let live, I'd agree with you. But they want to destroy us. As a vet, there are those of us who swore to lay down our lives to protect yours; honor those who do by believing in what they are doing. ....or don't, because those who are putting themselves in harm's way are doing it so you can have the right to object, as well. Most in the military will tell you that hearing people say "we support you, but don't agree with us being over there", would rather you just not say anything.

Saw the motorcade come through Chuck County on the way to VA. Didn't take much to figure out what it was. Just wish there'd been advance notice - I'd have been out there saluting, sans latte.

It is precisely because the American solider vows to lay down his life to protect mine, regardless of where he is sent and what he is asked to do that it my duty, as the recipient of such an honor, to do my best to see that you are NOT sent to a place and given a mission that does not serve the national interest. You swore to preserve and defend the constitution; not to protect me from uncomfortable choices and challenges. If I believed, for one moment, that President Obama would lead you wisely and well, that is one thing. However, that is not the case. He is a man who, just the other day, compared what he is about to send you off to do, to fight ISIS in Syria, to bad police officers in Ferguson, MO.

This is not a man I trust with your life let alone the national interest.


Active Member
Don't put your objection all on the current administration. You were as rabid during the last, and Bush never made such a comparison.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't put your objection all on the current administration. You were as rabid during the last, and Bush never made such a comparison.

??? I am not sure what you're saying here.

I totally objected to how Bush used the military, turning it into a giant community watch deal instead of destroying the enemy. My beef now is I don't trust Obama to do as well, let alone better and we did not serve the national interest with how Bush lead so, it stands to reason that now, at best, it will be a loss and a waste and make matters worse. At best.