I saw this guy being an asshat the other day


Power with Control
Thankful Bystander on October 1, 2019 at 5:34 am
I actually saw this happen. The Honda along with another car (silver something) were racing south on Rt. 235. They both passed me like I was standing still (I was doing 55). The honda passed me on the right (I was in the left southbound lane) and the silver passed me on the left using the NB 235 lanes. I was thankful they left me alone. I saw them jockeying for the left lane all the way to the Hermanville light. They were lucky they didn’t kill someone.

  • Just the facts on October 2, 2019 at 10:45 am
    Next time, stay in the right hand lane and you should be safe. Left lane is for passing…and you were hawgin’ it. How quickly some forget what they learned in driver’s ed.

Guy actually had the sack to say the guy in the left lane to turn left should have stayed in the right lane so his poorly driving azz could go around him :)


Well-Known Member
Guy actually had the sack to say the guy in the left lane to turn left should have stayed in the right lane so his poorly driving azz could go around him :)

I doubt that's the actual driver. Just one of the usual smnewsnet trolls.