I sooooo love Condi Rice

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Rice said the Founding Fathers understood "there might be circumstances that people like my father experienced in Birmingham, Ala., when, in fact, the police weren't going to protect you."

All this woman has to do is declare and keep on keeping on, right to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

The roots of gun control are in racism. What the hell is some dumb ass lib gonna say when Condi tells that story?

She announces, I FedEx a buck to Bruz because Hill ain't gonna run against Rice.

I will work for her. I will send money.

She is friggin awesome.

Make some room on Mt. Rushmore.

Hell yeah.


Well-Known Member
I am not 100% on Condi (probably some squishy areas on social issues) but if nominated,...I would be torn between her & the Constitution party.

What will Democrats do???
A Black woman, Southern Raised, Religious roots, Fluent in 2-3 languages, specialties in international relations...Multiple Degrees..
Some pasty Liberal who can't offer any substantial plans but specializes in spooking the elderly, baiting the class warfare, and loves the UN.

Yeah, this will prove interesting!
Bring Back Gore! (Beard? No Beard? Yelling about a Lockbox?)


This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said:
All this woman has to do is declare and keep on keeping on, right to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

The roots of gun control are in racism. What the hell is some dumb ass lib gonna say when Condi tells that story?

She announces, I FedEx a buck to Bruz because Hill ain't gonna run against Rice.

I will work for her. I will send money.

She is friggin awesome.

Make some room on Mt. Rushmore.

Hell yeah.

I just hope against all hope she runs. I tell ya... it would be better than the past 20 years of entertainment combined to watch dems wiggle around trying to say a black woman is out to get the black people and the women!


Lovin' being Texican
FromTexas said:
I just hope against all hope she runs. I tell ya... it would be better than the past 20 years of entertainment combined to watch dems wiggle around trying to say a black woman is out to get the black people and the women!

The Democrap strategy is so easy to predict. It'll become another class-warfare campaign. "Condi is upper class, we're not." "Condi is young, we're not." "Condi is smart, we're. . . um, uh. Vote DEMOCRAT because we need it."

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Lenny said:
The Democrap strategy is so easy to predict. It'll become another class-warfare campaign. "Condi is upper class, we're not." "Condi is young, we're not." "Condi is smart, we're. . . um, uh. Vote DEMOCRAT because we need it."
If I may be the Devils Advocate for just a moment....

That sounds like typical Republiclan mudslinging.

Ok, I'm done now. I just needed a place to use Republiclan. I picked it up the other day and chuckled. I do like Democrap though. :lol:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I'm not decided on Condi yet. All the conroversy that involved her recently is still too fresh so I'd like to wait a while and see how she really performs without of the clammering and hollering in the background. I have no problem with it, but I wonder if the nation as a whole has matured enough for either an African-American or female president, much less both. I'd like to see some polls on that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Like What???

Bustem' Down said:
I'm not decided on Condi yet. All the conroversy that involved her recently is still too fresh so I'd like to wait a while and see how she really performs without of the clammering and hollering in the background. I have no problem with it, but I wonder if the nation as a whole has matured enough for either an African-American or female president, much less both. I'd like to see some polls on that.

...did you watch the hearings?


Lovin' being Texican
Larry Gude said:
...did you watch the hearings?

The 911 hearings are available free on the internet if you want to hear how well she handles stupid questioning from zealots. and I don't know how anybody could have missed how well she handled Naysaying Nancy.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...did you watch the hearings?
Yes, and it was pretty obvious that she has no taste for being attacked, having her words twisted and being called a liar. Unless she starts enjoying those things a little more, or at least not minding so much, she won't be running.

Why would Condoleeza Rice want to be President? She reportedly likes her privacy, so I doubt she's interested in having Toles do a nasty cartoon about her every week. She doesn't seem like the type who would do it for the power, especially since Presidents don't really have that much power but they DO get all the blame. Nor does she seem egocentric enough to do it simply to be the first black/woman President.

Why would she run for President?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ah yes BUT...

vraiblonde said:
Yes, and it was pretty obvious that she has no taste for being attacked, having her words twisted and being called a liar. Unless she starts enjoying those things a little more, or at least not minding so much, she won't be running.

Why would Condoleeza Rice want to be President? She reportedly likes her privacy, so I doubt she's interested in having Toles do a nasty cartoon about her every week. She doesn't seem like the type who would do it for the power, especially since Presidents don't really have that much power but they DO get all the blame. Nor does she seem egocentric enough to do it simply to be the first black/woman President.

Why would she run for President?

How long have we all hundered for a major politician, especially a GOP'er, to tell the media to pack sand?

How many times have we wished for someone to take an absurd question and handle it as such leaving the inquisitor left looking like the idiot they are?

Wouldn't it be nice to hear her say "Well, if an accomplished black woman whom is also a Republican and President to boot sends you into a tizzy, doesn't that say more about you than it says about moi?"

Condi is no politician in the sense we've grown accustomed to. It's been said that one of Howard Deans strengths was that he says what he thinks not what he thinks you want to hear. Of course, that fell apart when it was discovered that there really wasn't much thought behind Howards thoughts.

So yeah, maybe Rice ain't up for the job as we know it.

Maybe, however, she is up for the job as it ought to be.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Maybe, however, she is up for the job as it ought to be.
That's not my argument. I think she would be a terrific President - at the minimum she would be as good as anyone else we've had.

But pretend you are Condi Rice - why do you want to run for President? Why do you want to BE President?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How do I answer this nicely...

vraiblonde said:
But pretend you are Condi Rice - why do you want to run for President? Why do you want to BE President?

...Condi is NOT working for IBM. If she was and she had a very high level job, the idea of being CEO would not be out of the question.

People who achieve seek to continue to achieve. Some people, like Bill Clinton, have been thinking about the job since they can remember. Other people find themselves in a position where it is a possibility.

I don't know her well enough to know when she first started considering being President but I do know she finds herself in a position where it is a DISTINCT possibility.