I two is gona enters the race


In My Opinion
my platform will be one of exclusion and purity to the morals that make this country so great to live in.

I wants to make it against the law for men to be homosexual. There should be a dress code that makes men dress like men.

we need to have less traffic lights because they only slow people down and cause you to be late to wurk

Because I was busted for a DUI about 15 years ago and unfairly punished I think that it would be cheaper for the state to pay for a ride and a tow home for the drunk driver without any legal intervention.

it should not be illegal to stop the car and pee on the side of the road during heavy traffic hours.

I want to lower the tax rates, get rid of all the navy people move all stores out of the county and get rid of any buildings, schools, homes, etc... that can burn. All structures should be made out of steel and aluminum to prevent fires. Houses have burned in the past and people have been hurt, why do the leaders allow more of these tinderboxes to be built?

I think that the county ledgers should be studied and anyone who does not have direct family links back to at least 1403 should be escorted back out of the county.

there should be a public birthing place where women can go and have their baby without anyone knowing their name. they should be able to leave right after the birth and never look back. the babies can be placed on the door step of rich people who should then be forced to treat the baby like their own.

this is just a start.

vote for me.


bcp said:
my platform will be one of exclusion and purity to the morals that make this country so great to live in.

I wants to make it against the law for men to be homosexual. There should be a dress code that makes men dress like men.

we need to have less traffic lights because they only slow people down and cause you to be late to wurk

Because I was busted for a DUI about 15 years ago and unfairly punished I think that it would be cheaper for the state to pay for a ride and a tow home for the drunk driver without any legal intervention.

it should not be illegal to stop the car and pee on the side of the road during heavy traffic hours.

I want to lower the tax rates, get rid of all the navy people move all stores out of the county and get rid of any buildings, schools, homes, etc... that can burn. All structures should be made out of steel and aluminum to prevent fires. Houses have burned in the past and people have been hurt, why do the leaders allow more of these tinderboxes to be built?

I think that the county ledgers should be studied and anyone who does not have direct family links back to at least 1403 should be escorted back out of the county.

there should be a public birthing place where women can go and have their baby without anyone knowing their name. they should be able to leave right after the birth and never look back. the babies can be placed on the door step of rich people who should then be forced to treat the baby like their own.

this is just a start.

vote for me.

I find your ideas intriguing and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Super Genius
The first line got me...reminds me of the line from Dodgeball:

"Remember, dodgeball is a sport of violence, exclusion, and degredation... so when you're picking players in gym class, remember to pick the bigger, stronger kids for your team, that way you can all gang up on the weaker ones."

- Patches O'Hoolihan - 7 time ADAA All Star


In My Opinion
Toxick said:
I find your ideas intriguing and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I cant actually afford a real newsletter because I have been unemployed since 1976 after a cook out accident that left me disabled due to a blister on my left arm, it was caused by forgetting how much acid I had dropped and I over did it.

anyway, I have to post from the librarys free computer right now, but you can also see my campaign messages spray painted on overpasses and government buildings around town.

thanks for your support.


Working for the weekend
bcp said:
I cant actually afford a real newsletter because I have been unemployed since 1976 after a cook out accident that left me disabled due to a blister on my left arm, it was caused by forgetting how much acid I had dropped and I over did it.

anyway, I have to post from the librarys free computer right now, but you can also see my campaign messages spray painted on overpasses and government buildings around town.

thanks for your support.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to bcp again.


bcp said:
I cant actually afford a real newsletter because I have been unemployed since 1976 after a cook out accident that left me disabled due to a blister on my left arm, it was caused by forgetting how much acid I had dropped and I over did it.

anyway, I have to post from the librarys free computer right now, but you can also see my campaign messages spray painted on overpasses and government buildings around town.

thanks for your support.

BCP in 2008!!!


In My Opinion
I have to go now, but I will be back later.

I have to get some tape to put the signs I made with cardboard and a marker on my shopping cart.
Then Im going over to the Giant to do some dumpster diving for my lunch and dinner tonight.

I also need to find a can of spray paint so I can start putting up my election intents on telephone poles at the intersections.

hey, do you all think that if I spray paint my tennis shoes black people will think Im dressed well and that Im like rich or something?