I warned you 2 yrs ago...


Well-Known Member
I had few allies two years ago when I said there was a clear threat to people who did not agree with the Gay agenda.
Now...the seeds are planted, the crop is maturing, and the next season of planting begins:

"In California, the state Supreme Court is considering banning all state judges from associating with the Boy Scouts because the Scouts are exempt from a statewide "sexual orientation" law. Good judges (mostly fathers) are being told to hang up their gavels or stop associating with this "hate group." This is tolerance?

In many states, homosexual activists have persuaded public officials to punish the Scouts for their moral stance on homosexuality. More than two dozen United Way chapters have cut off the Scouts, and at least 359 school districts with a total of 4,418 schools in 10 states have taken action against the Scouts. They cite "sexual orientation" laws as their reason.

Nashville's religious groups are being offered a "religious exemption" from the proposed ordinance. They shouldn't buy it. If it is wrong for this immoral policy to be forced on the churches, it is wrong to force it on other citizens as well. This is not like taxation, which is a necessary and biblically prescribed government function from which churches and other nonprofit organizations are exempt. It is a matter of turning immorality into law, thus turning ordinary people into outlaws.

Religious exemptions are ultimately worthless. A District of Columbia human-rights commission ordered Georgetown University, a Catholic college, to violate church doctrine and sponsor a pro-homosexual group on campus. A court agreed, saying the District's "sexual orientation" law overrode the school's religious freedom. It didn't matter that neither "sexual orientation" nor sodomy are protected in the Constitution or that religion is specifically protected. In the hands of liberal judges, "sexual orientation" takes on a life of its own.

Portland, Maine, city officials recently canceled a grant for a Salvation Army meals-on-wheels program for senior citizens. Why? As a Christian denomination, the Salvation Army won't provide marital benefits to homosexual employees, thus running afoul of the city's "sexual orientation" law.

When the Portland "sexual orientation" ordinance was introduced, proponents argued, as they do in Nashville today, that it would merely ensure that "people won't be fired for being 'gay.'" Unlike the sorry history of Jim Crow laws, there is no evidence that this is so widespread that it requires a radical restructuring of civil rights. People are far more likely to be fired for objecting to "gay" activism in companies than for "being gay."

In Canada, a "velvet curtain" is coming down as Canada adopts more "sexual orientation" laws. The mayor of London, Ontario, was hauled before the Ontario Human Rights Commission and fined for declining to declare "Gay Pride Weekend." A Saskatchewan newspaper publisher and a man who bought an ad featuring a list of five biblical verses about homosexuality were fined $4,500 each. The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has warned Dr. Laura Schlessinger and Dr. James Dobson not to discuss homosexuality, or the radio stations that carry their shows will lose their licenses. Again, this is tolerance?

Homosexual activists used to deny that they had anything to do with men demanding the right to wear dresses. But U.S. homosexual pressure groups have now added "transgender" rights to their list. Their goal is to create grounds for lawsuits on the basis of sexual confusion and cross-dressing, even in schools.

If Nashville's public officials add "sexual orientation" to the city's nondiscrimination code, they will provide instant legal special rights to any kind of sexual behavior, however perverse.

Most assuredly, they will guarantee that the Boy Scouts will find themselves in the cross-hairs of homosexual activists demanding the "right" to take boys out on camping trips.

Robert Knight, who earned the rank of Eagle Scout, is director of the Culture and Family Institute.


Well-Known Member
And now, for you doubters, you people that accuse the "right" of being intolerant....you folks eager to pay more taxes for AIDS research...here are your guinea pigs:


New ROLLING STONE Managing Editor Ed Needham is set to hit complete controversy with a 4-page report: "Bug Chasers: The Men Who Secretly Long To Be HIV+."

Filed by Greg Freeman, the shock story claims some men with HIV are deliberately having unprotected sex with those who want to be infected!


"The men who want the virus are called 'bug chasers,' and the men who freely give them the virus are called 'gift givers.' While the rest of the world fights the AIDS epidemic and most people fear HIV infection, this subculture celebrates the virus and eroticizes it," reports Freeman in the February 6, 2003 edition of ROLLING STONE.

At least twenty-five percent of all newly infected gay men fall into [bug-chasing] category, according to one claim in the "special report".

"In this world, the men with HIV are the most desired, and the bug chasers will do anything to get the virus."

Gay groups "aggressively encouraged" Freeman to drop the article.

One sad passage captures a young man in New York City who wants to be infected:

"His eyes light up as he says that the actual moment of transmission, the instant he gets HIV, will be 'the most erotic thing I can imagine.'"

An infector is quoted as saying: "I'm murdering him in a sense, killing him slowly, and that's sort of, as sick as it sounds, exciting to me."

Most AIDS activists prefer to deny the problem exists to any significant extent, says Dr. Bob Cabaj, director of behavioral-health services for San Francisco County and past president of Gay and Lesbian Medical Association. "They don't want to address that this is really going on."

In a gonzo-journalism ROLLING STONE moment, Cabaj claims at least 25% of all newly infected gay men fall into [bug-chasing] category.


So....come on folks...hire them! Welcome them into your newly repainted apartment,...have them volunteer at your child's school!
After all, they're just like the rest of us!


endangered species
It is unbelievable..


The piece’s most eyepopping statistic comes from Dr. Bob Cabaj, the director of behavioral-health services for San Francisco County. The story says that "Cabaj estimates that at least twenty-five percent of all newly infected gay men" are either purposefully seeking infection or are "actively seeking HIV but are in denial and wouldn’t call themselves bug chasers."
But Cabaj says that attribution is made-up. "That’s totally false. I never said that. And when the fact checker called me and asked me if I said that, I said no. I said no. This is unbelievable." Cabaj said there’s no way of knowing what percentage of gay men are looking to get infected but that it’s likely very small.

The only other doctor quoted in the piece who agreed that bug chasing is a significant phenomenon is Dr. Marshall Forstein, the medical director of mental health and addiction services at Fenway Community Health, a clinic in Boston. The author, Gregory Freeman, writes in the piece, "[Forstein] says bug chasers are seen regularly in the Fenway health system, and the phenomenon is growing."
"That is entirely a fabrication," Forstein said from his office Thursday morning. "That is ridiculous. I said, ‘We have seen a few cases, but we have no idea how common this is. It is not very common’."