I wish all protesters would do this


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Listen up, protesters! If you REALLY believed what you're rioting about, you'd burn yourself up. Show us you really mean it and aren't kidding around! Make a stand!

Heck...half our colleges would be emptied out during mid-terms and finals then... :lmao:

Not to chg the subject...but ck this out right below that story (link)....


Ironic or what to what you just said... the biggest "protestor" in the Middle East scared at getting hung? I thought he was all about standing up for what you ..I mean "he"..believed in and making people pay the price....oops, his price.

Thank God (or Allah :whistle: ) that there is still an appeal process in Iraq... I would hope that they are sure that what they are saying is true! :duh:


I bowl overhand
The Protestant Bishop of Saxony, Axel Noack, said the suicide had shocked the community and that he hoped it would not hurt relations between Christians and Muslims.

Does this say anything to you?? They have a priest commit suicide, and all they are worried about is.. "I hope this doesn't hurt their feelings!!"


dmnyank1 said:
Heck...half our colleges would be emptied out during mid-terms and finals then...

And then tuition would go down and I could take more than 2 classes per semester.