I would like to take this opportunity...


All Up In Your Grill
sockgirl77 said:
Nope. I had to borrow the batteries a few weeks ago to put in the baby's bouncy seat. :frown:

:doh: My condolences. :flowers: I'll be sure to pick some up for you next time I go to Target. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
jazz lady said:
Rechargeables. :yay: Not that I know anything about them. :angel:
I keep saying that I'm going to pick me up one of those. But, I never remember. I think I'll set an alarm to go off when I'm in Target tonight for me to pick them up. Thanks for the reminder. :flowers:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
chernmax said:
She may want to consider Generator!!! :whistle:

No, she should PM Gumbo. He made quite an interesting machine for me and I'm sure he could do the same for her. :lmao: