Ibram X. Kendi - CRT Grifter


PREMO Member

Many social media users quickly realized that a true “systemically oppressive” nation would not go out of its way to expedite and bankroll the education of “oppressed” racial groups — to the extent that students in the “oppressor” category would falsely identify as purported victims of the system in order to reap its benefits.

Kendi quietly deleted his tweet. “Cynical Theories” author James Lindsay, however, observed: “Kendi admits it’s not actually a privilege to be White in America?”
“LOL Kendi shot himself in the foot today too,” he added.

CRT — as summarized by Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro — argues that “racism is baked into all the systems of American society and that any sort of neutral system is in fact a guise for racial power.”

“And so what that boils down to in sort of practical terms is, all disparity equals discrimination,” Shapiro explained. “If you can see any stat where black people are underperforming white people, this means the system was set up for the benefit of white people and that white people have a duty to tear down these systems in order to alleviate the racism that’s implicit in those systems.”



PREMO Member
Kendi Doubles Down, Blames ‘Disinformation Operatives’ Over Deleted College Admissions Tweet That Debunks CRT

“The anti-CRT crusade has spread this belief that White Americans are the victims of racism. As I posted last week, more than a third of White students lie about their race when applying for college, according to an online survey,” he wrote. “And there’s hardly any accountability — three-fourths of the White students lying on their applications about their race are receiving acceptance letters in return.”

Kendi then blamed “disinformation operatives” for “distorting” the deleted tweet’s “implications.”

“I posted these figures to show how many people may still hold this false belief that White people are disadvantaged,” he continued. “The angry reaction to my post (and deletion) evidenced this even more.”

Citing differing levels of wealth, legacy status, and access to advanced classes among college applicants, Kendi again stated: “These disinformation operatives are claiming I mistakenly demonstrated that structural racism doesn’t exist at the same time they used the figures I posted to claim that structural racism exists against White people.”

Then if their is NO advantage to being a ' minority ' why do whites feel the need to claim minority status

And if the criticisms were untrue, why delete the tweet


Well-Known Member
Kendi Doubles Down, Blames ‘Disinformation Operatives’ Over Deleted College Admissions Tweet That Debunks CRT

“The anti-CRT crusade has spread this belief that White Americans are the victims of racism. As I posted last week, more than a third of White students lie about their race when applying for college, according to an online survey,” he wrote. “And there’s hardly any accountability — three-fourths of the White students lying on their applications about their race are receiving acceptance letters in return.”

Kendi then blamed “disinformation operatives” for “distorting” the deleted tweet’s “implications.”

“I posted these figures to show how many people may still hold this false belief that White people are disadvantaged,” he continued. “The angry reaction to my post (and deletion) evidenced this even more.”

Citing differing levels of wealth, legacy status, and access to advanced classes among college applicants, Kendi again stated: “These disinformation operatives are claiming I mistakenly demonstrated that structural racism doesn’t exist at the same time they used the figures I posted to claim that structural racism exists against White people.”

Then if their is NO advantage to being a ' minority ' why do whites feel the need to claim minority status

And if the criticisms were untrue, why delete the tweet
If 30 students in a class of 30 - or hell, let's say 15 students - fail one or more tests, ia it solely the students to blame?

I once was in a class of 20 or so (junior high) where all but 2 or 3 outright failed or did poorly on test after test. The teacher consistently blamed the students. They finally brought in a new teacher.

Spoiler alert: it wasn't the students.


Well-Known Member

"Y'all right wing bigots are misogynists for callig me out on the sex tape of me and my husband that I posted online."

Oh, and the classic "Libs of Tiktok is guilty of hate speech for posting videos and tweets of us saying what we said, even though she didn't comment on what we said."

I'm sensing a pattern


PREMO Member

Ibram X. Kendi's race hustle deserves to fail

All in all, one shouldn’t be surprised at the revelations, reported by the Boston Globe, about allegations relating to mismanagement of funds and a dysfunctional work environment at Ibram X. Kendi’s antiracist research centre. At Boston University, Kendi’s institute has been lavished with tens of millions of dollars from philanthropic billionaires, corporations and numerous other small donors so that it can “solve these intractable racial problem of our times” using “exhaustive racial research, research-based policy innovation, data-driven education and advocacy campaigns”.

Despite these exorbitant funds, since 2020 the centre has produced no original research or scholarship, adding nothing of substance to the argument over racial inequality and the precarious socio-economic status of black Americans. Kendi’s centre isn’t the only self-proclaimed antiracist non-profit to fall on hard times. The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation revenues plummeted by 88% in the last year, while it has also been mired in a corruption scandal.

It is worth asking how, with vast funds at these non-profits’ disposal, they have provided little clarity in explaining the precise contours of racial inequality and its roots, and laying out a programme to tackle it as they promised they would. Adolph Reed once quipped that identity politics isn’t an alternative to class politics: it is a form of class politics. Kendi’s brand of antiracism is a great example of this.

The audience of his race hustling isn’t poor black Americans, but instead middle-class and mainly white liberals to whom “antiracism” functions as a pseudo-spiritual exercise in atonement for the original sin of America. This is the same type of audience that reads Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility and adopts the 1619 Project’s thesis relating to the alternative founding myth of America.

Is this any surprise ...

BLM activists spend money buying Mansions ...
X Kendi's center produced NO Research ...


PREMO Member

Ibram Kendi Faces Growing Backlash From the Left Over His Failing ‘Anti-Racist’ Think Tank

“the story of a huckster who was happy to cash in on America’s racial trauma”

Here’s more from that Washington Post piece:

As one of a number of left-wing commentators who have been critical of mainstream anti-racism — and who believe the movement is little more than self-help for White people that runs interference for corporations and wealthy universities — I’ve watched the Kendi crisis unfold with a touch of schadenfreude. Yet though this public reckoning feels long overdue, I can’t help but also have a smidgen of empathy for the embattled anti-racism guru…
The prospect of Kendi’s unraveling is not — or at least, is not only — the story of a huckster who was happy to cash in on America’s racial trauma, slapping his name on strange children’s books, including “Antiracist Baby” and “Goodnight Racism,” while raking in hundreds of dollars a minute to give short talks at American universities. Instead, the Kendi affair is yet another example of an age-old truism: White American elites on both sides of the political spectrum — academics, publishers, members of the media, corporate leaders — are always waiting in the wings to turn a shiny new Black intellectual into a mouthpiece for their political agenda
Though conservatives tended to focus on the book’s famous catchphrase — “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination” — in my view the real damage that Kendi’s philosophy has wrought on American culture is in the way he turned words like “racism” and “white supremacy” into banal, everyday terms like any others.

It looks like it’s all falling apart.



PREMO Member
🔥 Finally, in more good news from the counter-revolution, the New York Times ran an op-ed last week headlined, “’Antiracism’ Was Never the Right Answer.

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Who knew? The opinion piece focused on the recent meltdown of Ibram X. Kendi’s ‘Center for Antiracist Research’ at Boston University. More than half its staff was laid off and half its budget was cut amidst difficult questions over what it did with nearly $55 million dollars raised.

But it’s not about the money. It’s never about the money.

Despite a mediocre academic record, ‘professor’ Ibram X. Kendi rose to national prominence after writing a book popularizing the concept of “anti-racism,” which holds that it is not enough to be race-neutral anymore. According to Kendi, to avoid being racist, you have to be a pro-black activist, or “anti-racist.”

Kendi isn’t interested in half-measures. He infamously wrote, “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination.”

As a result, Kendi was feted by big corporations and fawned over by scads of race baiting activists. His bizarre slogan minted an entire anti-racism industry. For example, employees at Penguin Random House were required to read his book as the publishing house’s first “true companywide read,” to begin “antiracism training mandatory for all employees.” The bizarre ideology metastasized, as exemplified by this kids’ book found in nearly all U.S. public school libraries:

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Last month, the Washington Post reported, “No longer a mere ambassador for academic antiracism, Kendi became a brand.” But now, after Kendi’s money scandal, the anti-racism ‘brand’ may be becoming passé.

After many mind-numbing paragraphs of hand-wringing and grievance-based word salad, the op-ed concluded that maybe — just maybe — Kendi went a little too far:

In short, a person can oppose racism on firm ethical or philosophical or pragmatic grounds without embracing Kendi’s conception of antiracism. No organization can expect all employees or students to adhere to a single view on how to combat racism.​

How about that? More progress. Keep the faith, it’s working.