I'd like to see the day when...


Well-Known Member
At least two network news broadcasts are replaced because of lack of interest...

People finally realize that the funds gained from casinos & tracks actually DON'T benefit the state.

Developers decide its too crazy to keep building in So Md. and quit.

Shi'ites and Sunni's and Kurds simply decide that democracy and human rights are beyond their simple minds and kill each other by the train-load.

Hillary decides that Bill is just too much baggage and comes out to express her love for Ellen Degenerate.

Gas dips down to 89.9 at the Wawa

America decides that John Smith's rule ("If you don't work, you don't Eat" )should become the mantra of the Welfare Bureau.

All the missile technology that Clinton sold to China fails and it crashes in mass on North Korea.



Well-Known Member
I can walk into a fast food place and the clerk has a name I can pronounce and they seem genuinely happy to take my order.

Teenagers actually run to catch the bus instead of sauntering 200 yards while 20 cars wait.

A school district fires its bureaucratic staff instead of cutting teaching positions & benefits.

You could go to a pro-football game and not have to pay for parking on the way to your 15.00 seat.

I pick up 3 items in a row at Walmart and they all say "Made in the USA"

My county decides to cut taxes because they couldn't find any stupid new projects to spend my money on.

That all the criminals on Death row are served their last meal.......tonight.


Well-Known Member
Candidates are proud of the party that is sponsoring them and they write it on their signs (as well as taking a position on an issue).

Veterans who are in good legal & mental standing are allowed to pack heat any time they are in public.

Shop classes & Home Ec...and PE were required all the way through High School.

Banks pay 4% interest on savings accounts instead of .2%

You can buy a house or land and sign only 4 or 5 papers.

Illegal Aliens decide its too costly and too much of a hassle to live here and return to where they came from.

Go ahead....add a few, its worth it!