

Well-Known Member
This is beyond disgusting, why are planes putting out fires? Are they drones? Isn’t the government controlling the wind? I hate it here

If anyone is confused, this is just me parroting the typical somd discourse, here is a plane putting out a destructive fire, no one but me would post such positive content.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
This is beyond disgusting, why are planes putting out fires? Are they drones? Isn’t the government controlling the wind? I hate it here

If anyone is confused, this is just me parroting the typical somd discourse, here is a plane putting out a destructive fire, no one but me would post such positive content.

Hooked up with your dealer again I see.


Power with Control
This is beyond disgusting, why are planes putting out fires? Are they drones? Isn’t the government controlling the wind? I hate it here

If anyone is confused, this is just me parroting the typical somd discourse, here is a plane putting out a destructive fire, no one but me would post such positive content.

First thing, you know what I do about places I hate? I stop going there. :)

You seem to be confusing valid questions about the how and why such fires A) Came to be in such force so quickly, and B) Why the firefighters are having such a hard time containing them, with the made up ones about planes and govt control of the wind I've not seen posted here.

I suppose you are not discussing A and B because the answers to both are quite simple. Democrat policies to govern with your heart instead of your head seem to lend themselves to both fostering disaster and crippling response to it.

When you refuse to care for the natural environment you make your home in by removing its natural processes for "self care", what you end up with is disaster. These dry environments usually have hundreds of small fires left to themselves that burn smaller portions, then burn out. When you stop those quickly because people live there and don't like the small fires, you need to manually remove the detritus that would otherwise burn. If you don't, shockingly, there is far more material to burn.

If you spend department resources on things like outreach to gays and women to reach some arbitrary number that makes your heart happy, you have less money for hiring others, and you have to lower standards to get more of the people you want. Don't get me wrong, there are women and gays who want these jobs and excel at them, like combat in the military. Welcome them. But there are going to be far fewer than the normal distribution in the population.

And if you cut the departments budget so you have more for things like, I dunno, buying apartment buildings so you buddies can charge the govt to stack homeless in them you have less money for firefighters and equipment. Which, if you have excess, might be good to store some away for a rainy day. Not send off across the globe.

Lastly, reducing the amount of water available to your civilization in an arid environment seems to be the height of folly. Because when it burns (see above) you wont have enough water to put out the fires you made worse.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
This is beyond disgusting, why are planes putting out fires? Are they drones? Isn’t the government controlling the wind? I hate it here

If anyone is confused, this is just me parroting the typical somd discourse, here is a plane putting out a destructive fire, no one but me would post such positive content.

Sometimes I think you're on drugs and other times I know you are, I'm now coming to the conclusion that you are either always on them or always in need of them. Your rants border on the psychotic


Well-Known Member
This is beyond disgusting, why are planes putting out fires? Are they drones? Isn’t the government controlling the wind? I hate it here

If anyone is confused, this is just me parroting the typical somd discourse, here is a plane putting out a destructive fire, no one but me would post such positive content.

That's a helicopter. You are as informed as usual.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
This is beyond disgusting, why are planes putting out fires? Are they drones? Isn’t the government controlling the wind? I hate it here

If anyone is confused, this is just me parroting the typical somd discourse, here is a plane putting out a destructive fire, no one but me would post such positive content.

You are still here???? are one sick SOB.


Well-Known Member
This is beyond disgusting, why are planes putting out fires? Are they drones? Isn’t the government controlling the wind? I hate it here

If anyone is confused, this is just me parroting the typical somd discourse, here is a plane putting out a destructive fire, no one but me would post such positive content.


For once in your life will stick to your word? Just once!!!