If it's good pass it on!


New Member
I've been talking to doctors for two days.... and we all agree....

For every 100 things that you read about cancer that is bad and scary.... there are probably 900 people who made it through to cancer free and had good experiences along the way....

I guess it's like that for everything.... right?

But we need more encouraging stories... people who had good doctors and good nurses and good news.... need to write more!

As for me.... my doctors at GWU and Dr. Kodali, Dr. Haque and Dr. Almed helped to save my life.... If it hadn't been for them.... I might not have such excellent news....

I'll have cancer again.... maybe.... it's in my genes apparently.... but now that we know.... it'll be caught early!!!! awesome....

Maybe I should change my name from hotcoffee to bits&pieces.... that's what hubby calls me now....:killingme

