If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Do we give them any foreign aid? If we do, it should be cut off. Throw their press corp out of the U.S. Throw their diplomats out and cut off diplomatic relations. Over reacting? Probably. But if I was Bush, I would probably snub the Belgians at every opportunity.


Lovin' being Texican
2ndAmendment said:
Do we give them any foreign aid? If we do, it should be cut off. Throw their press corp out of the U.S. Throw their diplomats out and cut off diplomatic relations. Over reacting? Probably. But if I was Bush, I would probably snub the Belgians at every opportunity.

Naw, let's not retaliate for this sophomoric stunt. Let's congratulate them on finally finding a way to stop pizzing on their shoes!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think it sucks that our President has to go to these stupid ass countries and suck up to their corrupt leaders, trying to talk them into what they should be doing willingly and without hesitation.

And I think people who sit around fretting about what these retards think of us should be lobotomized. I, personally, have never cared for one second what some arrested development moron thinks of me. They should be worried about what we think of them.

Low-life non-showering switch-hitting gun-banning needle-park dirt bags.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I think it sucks that our President has to go to these stupid ass countries and suck up to their corrupt leaders, trying to talk them into what they should be doing willingly and without hesitation.

And I think people who sit around fretting about what these retards think of us should be lobotomized. I, personally, have never cared for one second what some arrested development moron thinks of me. They should be worried about what we think of them.

Low-life non-showering switch-hitting gun-banning needle-park dirt bags.
Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think. :lmao: :smoochy:


vraiblonde said:
I think it sucks that our President has to go to these stupid ass countries and suck up to their corrupt leaders, trying to talk them into what they should be doing willingly and without hesitation.

And I think people who sit around fretting about what these retards think of us should be lobotomized. I, personally, have never cared for one second what some arrested development moron thinks of me. They should be worried about what we think of them.

Low-life non-showering switch-hitting gun-banning needle-park dirt bags.
I think I love you...


vraiblonde said:
I think it sucks that our President has to go to these stupid ass countries and suck up to their corrupt leaders, trying to talk them into what they should be doing willingly and without hesitation.

And I think people who sit around fretting about what these retards think of us should be lobotomized. I, personally, have never cared for one second what some arrested development moron thinks of me. They should be worried about what we think of them.

Low-life non-showering switch-hitting gun-banning needle-park dirt bags.
Vrai should be the new ambassador to Belguim. We wouldn't have to worry about any relations with that dumbazz country. :lmao:


Spoiled said:
Punish Them For Exercizing Free Speech!!!!
I think the problem is that the classesness of most people does not allow them to differentiate between free speech and disrespectful speech.

I disagree with you but understand your argument and reasoning, and think it might be attributed to your generation and maturity. (free speech)

Your an idiot, you scum sucking pig fornicator. (Classless disrespectful speech, get the idea?)
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Active Member
Pete said:
I think the problem is that the classesness of most people does not allow them to differentiate between free speech and disrespectful speech.

I disagree with you but understand your argument and reasoning, and think it might be attributed to your generation and maturity. (free speech)

Your an idiot, you scum sucking pig fornicator. (Classless disrespectful speech, get the idea?)
I understand, but its also europe... It may not be classy, but as i have mentioned in other threads we renamed food once other nations said (with free speech) we did the wrong thing in iraq, is that not a bit childish?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
Punish Them For Exercizing Free Speech!!!!
Okay, I will. When you exercise your right to "free speech", along with that comes the right of other people to exercise their rights of free speech as well.

Get with it, bro. EVERYONE gets free speech rights, not just freaks and liberals (oxymoron).


Spoiled said:
I understand, but its also europe... It may not be classy, but as i have mentioned in other threads we renamed food once other nations said (with free speech) we did the wrong thing in iraq, is that not a bit childish?
You think re-naming "french fries" is the same as putting Chirac stickers in every urinal in DC?

BTW, the "It is Europe" excuse for them being wussy crass bastards is weak.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
putting Chirac stickers in every urinal in DC?

That's the sort of thing that pisses me off and makes me want to start taking away voting rights. Some idiot runs off at the mouth and the minute you criticize them, some other idiot is there to say they have a right to free speech.


If they're going to put their bullshit out in public, they're just going to have to suffer the consequences.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm going to go buy 12 cases of Belgian waffles and run over them with my truck. In fact, I'm not even going to CALL them "Belgian" waffles - I'm going to call them Freedom waffles.

How do ya like me now?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
But if this was done in the US it would be praised as free speech. I think it's a good laugh, the pres probably does too. The best thing is you can use it for any world leader. Bring the joke back across the pond and we can make fun of N korea, China, Putin, Saddam, hell even the Belgian leader whoever he is.


Active Member
vraiblonde said:

That's the sort of thing that pisses me off and makes me want to start taking away voting rights. Some idiot runs off at the mouth and the minute you criticize them, some other idiot is there to say they have a right to free speech.


If they're going to put their bullshit out in public, they're just going to have to suffer the consequences.
i have the right to free speech too... oh yes, we live in democratic nations :)

cut funding from somewhere? egypt :)


Can I have your baby?
vraiblonde said:
I'm going to go buy 12 cases of Belgian waffles and run over them with my truck. In fact, I'm not even going to CALL them "Belgian" waffles - I'm going to call them Freedom waffles.

How do ya like me now?


vraiblonde said:
You're right - and you will suffer the consequences of your stupidity, young grasshopper.
I like the dolts who don't understand free speech.

They think that someone cannot be fired or you cannot refuse to play a record. It simply means you cannot be jailed for critisizing the establishment.