If the lil' princess LaBron...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...wants a new coach, how come he can't have it? For that matter, why doesn't the NBA just call the Heats' losses wins? As far as that goes, why don't they just give him a title now, and then he can go away and move on to his next career move.

Why should the He have to put up with all these things he doesn't like? Why should he have to earn any of it? Don't they know who he is?


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why do you question the Brett of the NBA?

Did Brett engineer, demand his trade from Atl to Green Bay? No.

Did Brett figure it out in GB and help win a title with his signature team? Yes.

Is the NFL anything, at all, like the NBA? No.


Brett may well be a bit of a diva off the field, a tad mind you, but, equating his play on it with the princess is not very good effort on your part, me thinks.



Football addict
Did Brett engineer, demand his trade from Atl to Green Bay? No.

Did Brett figure it out in GB and help win a title with his signature team? Yes.

Is the NFL anything, at all, like the NBA? No.


Brett may well be a bit of a diva off the field, a tad mind you, but, equating his play on it with the princess is not very good effort on your part, me thinks.


I was being lazy, like Lebron.:shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think he is. I also think he's lazy enough not to live up to it.

Let's define this; he does play, he does practice, he does live the life, the travel, the demands. He could have already quit and sat on his butt the rest of his life money wise. So, to me, it's not that he's lazy. He's just not brave enough or strong or competitive enough to be one of the all time greats.



Football addict
Let's define this; he does play, he does practice, he does live the life, the travel, the demands. He could have already quit and sat on his butt the rest of his life money wise. So, to me, it's not that he's lazy. He's just not brave enough or strong or competitive enough to be one of the all time greats.

Would he have been brave for staying with the Cavs? Going to the Knicks? Clippers?


Nothing to see here
I don't think the Princess is lazy. I just think he isn't in the same class of competitor as Magic and Bird and Jordan. And Favre.

Brent doesn't belong in that group, Magic, Bird and Jordan took franchaises to the top and didn't sell their soul afterwards on the market. Jordan bought into the Bullets, and played AFTER he was a partial owner, so don't fire back at me about that.

Brent and Labron are kindred souls, not only do they belong to the "look at me" club, but they're co-CEOs.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Brent doesn't belong in that group, Magic, Bird and Jordan took franchaises to the top and didn't sell their soul afterwards on the market. Jordan bought into the Bullets, and played AFTER he was a partial owner, so don't fire back at me about that.

Brent and Labron are kindred souls, not only do they belong to the "look at me" club, but they're co-CEOs.

I agree St. Brett deserves his own category. I just don't agree that La Princess has earned a place in it.



Do you like apples?
The trend that bothers me with pro sports today is the lazy-@$$ whine and complain attitude of "where's the flag?" or "where's the whistle?" after every offensive play that doesn't go right.

All the big names do it now- Lebron, Kobe, every QB and WR in the NFL, ...

Granted, sometimes officials miss a call. But c'mon, every incomplete pass and a WR is lookin for a flag, wavin his arm. Or on defense they act as if they didn't commit a foul with the dumb "who me?" look. And this is just their on-court/field antics (not mentioning their locker room or off the field crap).

I just want to tell these "role-model" athletes to:
Just go play the game, make your outrageous paycheck, and stop your whinin you Jackwagons!


Well-Known Member
The trend that bothers me with pro sports today is the lazy-@$$ whine and complain attitude of "where's the flag?" or "where's the whistle?" after every offensive play that doesn't go right.

All the big names do it now- Lebron, Kobe, every QB and WR in the NFL, ...

Granted, sometimes officials miss a call. But c'mon, every incomplete pass and a WR is lookin for a flag, wavin his arm. Or on defense they act as if they didn't commit a foul with the dumb "who me?" look. And this is just their on-court/field antics (not mentioning their locker room or off the field crap).

I just want to tell these "role-model" athletes to:
Just go play the game, make your outrageous paycheck, and stop your whinin you Jackwagons!

It's no different today than it was years ago. Off the top of my head, look at old tapes of Kareem, Tom Heinsohn, Earl Weaver, Norm Van Brocklin..... I could go on if I sat and thought for a while. It's no different today; other than the
visibility quotient.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's no different today than it was years ago. Off the top of my head, look at old tapes of Kareem, Tom Heinsohn, Earl Weaver, Norm Van Brocklin..... I could go on if I sat and thought for a while. It's no different today; other than the
visibility quotient.

WHAT!? What did St. Earl ever do????



Well-Known Member
Two more I just thought of: Paul O'Neill never looked at a strike in either league, and Danny Ainge NEVER committed a foul. Except for the time Tree Rollins bit him.......