If Trump Were A Democrat


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
An interesting contrast. One knows how Trump is currently portrayed/spoken to by the MSM. Contrast it with what was said by the MSM to/about his predecessor:

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Well-Known Member
The way they fawned over Barry and french kissed his ass was sickening.

And the way you fawn over Trump and French kiss his ass is...what? Patriotic????

Oh and just to point out the stunningly obvious:

The counterfactual is the point made by those who have no factual basis upon which to make their point. "IF Trump was X"....of "If so and so were (insert party name)"...these are the comments of the weak minded.


Well-Known Member
And the way you fawn over Trump and French kiss his ass is...what? Patriotic????

Oh and just to point out the stunningly obvious:

The counterfactual is the point made by those who have no factual basis upon which to make their point. "IF Trump was X"....of "If so and so were (insert party name)"...these are the comments of the weak minded.
Actually your comments are the comments of the weak minded !


Well-Known Member
The way they fawned over Barry and french kissed his ass was sickening.
What's creepy is that all of that WAS spoken about Obama, including the "mmm-mmm-mmm" song and all that praise.
It bordered on the same kind of stuff showered on a North Korean dictator.


Resident PIA
Actually your comments are the comments of the weak minded !
Actually his comments are ironic, Trump was once the darling of the media when he first considered running for president as a third party candidate.
He was buddies with the "Rev Al" and "Rev Jesse" for the money he donated to their causes.
Oprah was a friend, one that he considered to be his running mate in 2000.
What stopped him was that while the Reform party was more than willing to have him be their nominee, he wouldn't run on their ticket because David Duke was a member of the party. The Reform party was started by Ross Perot.
Trump's social circle probably included more democrats than republicans.

So if the man had a diverse circle of friends and associates and refused to run as a Reform party candidate how did he become a nazi, and a racist?
Oh, wait, that's what he was labeled by the Clinton campaign and the Divider in Chief.
That's when the media took up the mantra.

Is Trump brash, self aggrandizing, a shameless self promoter? Yes, but find one shred of evidence he's a racist, a nazi, a white supremacist.


Well-Known Member
Oh, wait, that's what he was labeled by the Clinton campaign and the Divider in Chief.

The Clintons even attended his wedding to Melania. They were friends.
So good to know the Clintons were friends with a white supremacist. Tells you all you need to know about them.


Resident PIA
... Oh, look Transvesite... err, Transporter is here to entertain everyone again!

Please don't even mention his name, there's stupid and then there is the "T" word. I have enough trouble dealing with plain old stupid.


Resident PIA
What's creepy is that all of that WAS spoken about Obama, including the "mmm-mmm-mmm" song and all that praise.
It bordered on the same kind of stuff showered on a North Korean dictator.
Well the latest is the fine the Judge in NY State handed down over his charity.
If you want to put your life in your hands, tell a Haitian how great and wonderful the Clinotns are. :killingme

They will tell you what frauds the Clintons and their Foundation are. How little they have done to help the people of Haiti despite the smoke being blown up their ass.

The Clinton foundation is nothing more than a charity for the Clinton family yet it hasn't been investigated by the IRS or any state, particularly NY State. Wonder why that is?


Well-Known Member
Well the latest is the fine the Judge in NY State handed down over his charity.
If you want to put your life in your hands, tell a Haitian how great and wonderful the Clinotns are. :killingme

They will tell you what frauds the Clintons and their Foundation are. How little they have done to help the people of Haiti despite the smoke being blown up their ass.

The Clinton foundation is nothing more than a charity for the Clinton family yet it hasn't been investigated by the IRS or any state, particularly NY State. Wonder why that is?

If you find out let us all in on it.


PREMO Member
Is Trump brash, self aggrandizing, a shameless self promoter? Yes, but find one shred of evidence he's a racist, a nazi, a white supremacist.

Yep a blowhard and a braggart ..... prone to lying about inconsequential things

Engaging in QPQ Nope, Colluding with Putin - SINCE THE 80's Nope


Long Haired Country Boy
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No wonder you're so confused. If you read and believe that these reporters, and I use the title VERY loosely, don't have an agenda, there's no need to try to have an intelligent discussion with you. In neither of the 2 links that worked, could any non-biased person read these articles and not see the fabrication and embellishment on the part of the writers. If this tripe is what y'all are reading and repeating, no wonder you're so ****ed in the head. The problem is that you have too much faith in the media that try to twist every word this man utters, into something to use against him.