Look At What They Accuse Others Of Doing
Once a story does not fit a liberal narrative, or can no longer be twisted into one, the media moves on. Remember the bomb threats called in to Jewish Community Centers around the time of the 2016 election? Leftists blame Donald Trump for “stirring up hate,” even though his daughter and son-in-law were Jewish. When, a few months later, a liberal former reporter who happened to be black was arrested for making a bunch of those calls, the story disappeared. It was no longer useful to the left.
The Buffalo shooter wrote a manifesto citing his racism as well as anti-Semitism and environmentalism as leading to his heinous actions. His opposition to illegal immigration embraced by Democrats is cited at “proof” he’s a Fox News monster! The people making that charge conveniently forget everything else he wrote.
That’s how they’re trying to blame Tucker and Fox – because he opposed illegal immigration. To make that case you have to ignore everything else he wrote, where he declared himself to be of the “authoritarian left.” With his environmentalism and hatred of Jews he could’ve easily been a member of The Squad. But that wouldn’t help Democrats, so something else was needed. And Democrats never let a good crisis go to waste. (Glenn Greenwald goes into great detail with all of this, I highly recommend you check it out.)
So, what is it that Tucker and Fox are alleged to have done? It turns out all they did was take liberals at their word. Granted, their word isn’t worth the bad breath it is delivered on, but still…
“It’s the most racist thing ever!” You must take everything leftists say not just with a grain of salt but with a salt lick. And nothing they say, aside from maybe their love of country and desire to “work across the aisle,” is more hypocritical and fraudulent than the idea that Democrats support open borders because they want to replace American voters with a more-loyal group is racist. There was a time when Democrats bragged about it being the end of the Republican Party.
Just after the 2020 election I wrote a column entitled, “Demographics Are Not Destiny,” to contradict what Democrats had been screaming for decades – that “the browning of the country would be the death of the GOP.” It’s funny how they “forget” what they espoused, bragged about, really, for 20+ years as soon as it becomes inconvenient or politically advantageous to do so.
Back then, reminding everyone what leftists had been espousing, I wrote, “In a piece entitled, ‘The Relentless Shrinking of Trump’s Base,’ the New York Times reported just last month how a ‘steady decline in white voters without college degrees’ would spell doom for Trump and Republicans. George Will at the Washington Post, someone I used to respect, similarly wrote in a column called, ‘The coming decade of Democratic dominance,’ that ‘Demographic arithmetic is also discouraging for Trump. There are more than 5 million fewer members of his core constituency — Whites without college degrees — than there were four years ago. And there are more than 13 million more minority and college-educated White eligible voters than in 2016.’”
Once a story does not fit a liberal narrative, or can no longer be twisted into one, the media moves on. Remember the bomb threats called in to Jewish Community Centers around the time of the 2016 election? Leftists blame Donald Trump for “stirring up hate,” even though his daughter and son-in-law were Jewish. When, a few months later, a liberal former reporter who happened to be black was arrested for making a bunch of those calls, the story disappeared. It was no longer useful to the left.
The Buffalo shooter wrote a manifesto citing his racism as well as anti-Semitism and environmentalism as leading to his heinous actions. His opposition to illegal immigration embraced by Democrats is cited at “proof” he’s a Fox News monster! The people making that charge conveniently forget everything else he wrote.
That’s how they’re trying to blame Tucker and Fox – because he opposed illegal immigration. To make that case you have to ignore everything else he wrote, where he declared himself to be of the “authoritarian left.” With his environmentalism and hatred of Jews he could’ve easily been a member of The Squad. But that wouldn’t help Democrats, so something else was needed. And Democrats never let a good crisis go to waste. (Glenn Greenwald goes into great detail with all of this, I highly recommend you check it out.)
So, what is it that Tucker and Fox are alleged to have done? It turns out all they did was take liberals at their word. Granted, their word isn’t worth the bad breath it is delivered on, but still…
“It’s the most racist thing ever!” You must take everything leftists say not just with a grain of salt but with a salt lick. And nothing they say, aside from maybe their love of country and desire to “work across the aisle,” is more hypocritical and fraudulent than the idea that Democrats support open borders because they want to replace American voters with a more-loyal group is racist. There was a time when Democrats bragged about it being the end of the Republican Party.
Just after the 2020 election I wrote a column entitled, “Demographics Are Not Destiny,” to contradict what Democrats had been screaming for decades – that “the browning of the country would be the death of the GOP.” It’s funny how they “forget” what they espoused, bragged about, really, for 20+ years as soon as it becomes inconvenient or politically advantageous to do so.
Back then, reminding everyone what leftists had been espousing, I wrote, “In a piece entitled, ‘The Relentless Shrinking of Trump’s Base,’ the New York Times reported just last month how a ‘steady decline in white voters without college degrees’ would spell doom for Trump and Republicans. George Will at the Washington Post, someone I used to respect, similarly wrote in a column called, ‘The coming decade of Democratic dominance,’ that ‘Demographic arithmetic is also discouraging for Trump. There are more than 5 million fewer members of his core constituency — Whites without college degrees — than there were four years ago. And there are more than 13 million more minority and college-educated White eligible voters than in 2016.’”