I'll Kill Him!


Three men were living in a rented downstairs apartment. Their landlord who lived above them was geting married today, so they thought practical jokes were in order. The first man, a carpenter, went upstairs for a few minutes and came back down chuckling, He told his roommates that he had fixed the bed to fall down when the bride and groom got on it. The second man, an electrician, went upstairs for a few minutes and came back down chuckling, het said that he had rigged it so that when the bed fell the couple would get an electric shock. The third man, a dentist, went upstairs and came back down laughting himself silly, but he wouldn't tell his roommates what he had done. The next morning the landlord came down while the three were having their morning coffee and said "I didn't mind the bed falling down, or even the electric shock, but whoever put the novacaine in the vaseline, I'LL KILL HIM!!!