[/QUOTE] The people that earn the bucks pay more taxes. However much you paid in taxes this year, I hope you pay double that next year! (Same goes for me too!) It means that we all earned more money! Unfortunately, it probably doesn't mean you earned double.
See that's what I'm talkin about. You don't have to earn double to pay double the taxes!
We've got two kids and a mortgage for deductions, but early calculations tell me that we may have to pay taxes, rather than receive a return or break even. My taxes would be decreased EXTENSIVELY if my husband and I were just shacking up rather than being married. I could claim head of household for one kid, he could claim head of household for the other kid. It doesn't really pay to do things the "right way".
I swear, I envy people who can "work the system" to their advantage. Logically, for me and my family, divorce is the way to go. It's not like anything would change, other than a legal piece of paper. However morally (me and my da#m morals!) I couldn't do it. It just sucks that the honest people get burned.