I'll tell you what sucks about marriage!


b*tch rocket
TAXES! Talk about the "marriage penalty" :burning:

I swear, I'm real close to divorcing just for that alone! I can then claim head of household and get my money back from the crack whores! :burning:



This pisses me off every tax year. I have friends that never married but live together. They each claim head of household and split the kids up. One on ones return and the other on the other persons return. They have all said we will never marry because we make out better not getting married. I know people who will not marry because it will cause them to lose benifits on their student loans. :burning:


Oh and lets not forget the earned income credit too!

There is not reason tax wise to get married.


New Member
I'm sure you know alot more about this than me, but I am claiming single with zero and I get raped every two weeks in my check and boned every year on my return. And what really burns my ### is a guy I work with (who makes the exact same as I do), is married w/ kids, gets ALOT less taxes taken out of his check bi-weekly, but gets DOUBLE the return I do at the end of the year:burning: . I guess that's why I don't understand the "marriage penalty" :confused: But I won't whine about that too much though because when I think about it......wife and kids in one hand...... and paying more taxes in the other.....I'm happy with my set-up now. :biggrin: :razz:

P.S. - car insurance is way cheaper when your married, too:bawl: . I'm thinking about getting married just for that :biggrin:
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
I hear ya!

Good grief, we haven't gotten money back in years.

We both claim ZERO and still have to paypaypay.... Tax lady said, have a kid, did that, no money back; buy a vacation property... NO, I like going to different places for my vacation; buy a bigger house, why? so I can be in the same boat in a few years and a bigger mortgage? NOT!

:boo: taxes..... :burning:


New Member
But I guess it depends on other little factors too though, because I know a couple people that have stayed married just for the tax reasons, etc. So that makes me really CORNfused :confused:


New Member
Am I missing something? Every married couple I know gets a minimum of $6000 back around tax season. I know one couple that gets approximately $9000 each year.

I'm single and claim HOH with one dependent and I don't get back zilch. :frown:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Also the EIC (Earned Income Credit) puts many of them on the high $$$ track.


You're all F'in Mad...
Quit b*tchin about taxes... It's real simple... The more taxes you pay, the better off you are from an income perspective... (It means you're making more money than the person paying lower taxes!) As much as I hate taxes, everyone should strive to pay MORE taxes, because at the same time, you're BRINGING MORE MONEY HOME!

The marriage penalty is REAL! It kicks in when your combined income is between $80-90K which would probably be considered middle class. Couples who feel the marriage penalty are actually paying a larger percentage of their income in taxes than if they were single. It's because the combined income causes you to step up to the next tax bracket.

Basically, show me the money, and I'll pay the taxes! People who claim the marriage penalty as a reason for not getting married, probably have another reason. If they earn enough to worry about it, consider them bragging...


b*tch rocket
Basically, show me the money, and I'll pay the taxes! People who claim the marriage penalty as a reason for not getting married, probably have another reason. If they earn enough to worry about it, consider them bragging...

Yeah, well nodnarb, let me know if you feel the same way when you're employer finally "shows you the money", only to have the majority of it taken from you. I've busted my hump to get where I'm at now. It's not like it was given to me. I earn EVERY dollar I'm paid. I'm sick of being shaken down by the gov't every payday.


New Member
Originally posted by Nodnarb
Quit b*tchin about taxes...

You're side-stepped my whole question....... see my first post above. I'm not trying to sound like I'm bitching, I'm just dumb and wanna know. Yes, it does tick me off a little when 40% of my money goes to the SAME thing that 20% of my co-worker's money (who makes the EXACT SAME as me), goes to. And then....., he get's triple the amount back than I do in a refund come tax time. I understand what you are saying about making more money. AGAIN... we make the same amount of money. :bubble: Yes, he's married and has kids, house, etc. But if that is the answer, how is that a marriage penalty ???


New Member
Originally posted by Christy

Yeah, well nodnarb, let me know if you feel the same way when you're employer finally "shows you the money", only to have the majority of it taken from you. I've busted my hump to get where I'm at now. It's not like it was given to me. I earn EVERY dollar I'm paid. I'm sick of being shaken down by the gov't every payday.

Yeah, what SHE said :biggrin:


You're all F'in Mad...
Hey - I don't disagree with either of you. Taxes suck.

The people that earn the bucks pay more taxes. However much you paid in taxes this year, I hope you pay double that next year! (Same goes for me too!) It means that we all earned more money! Unfortunately, it probably doesn't mean you earned double.

Do any of you guys rent the place you live? The biggest and best form of tax relief is deductible mortgage interest. Take advantage of that if you're not already! Especially with mortgage rates so low!

The married people you have compared above, probably have kids and/or a mortgage, therefore they can claim more exemptions and take home more money every payday. (Please Note: This is not a good reason to get married.)

Another point - you DON'T want a tax refund. When you receive a tax refund, you have allowed the government to overcharge you for services, and then use YOUR money interest-free! A person or couple with a $6k refund really needs to do some better planning. That's $500 a month they could have been saving or enjoying throughout the year. Uncle Sam didn't give you squat.

Want to get burned about taxes some more? You pay 7.2% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare of your gross wages. Your employer contributed the same amount into your "account." So over 15% of your wages go right into the government's Ponzi scheme. (Most employees don't realize the matching contribution made by their employer - add that to what you paid to get even more steamed about taxes.)


New Member
Originally posted by Nodnarb

The married people you have compared above, probably have kids and/or a mortgage, therefore they can claim more exemptions and take home more money every payday. (Please Note: This is not a good reason to get married.)

Agreed, but if that is a marriage penalty, break me off some. That's a penalty I like. :wink:

Another point - you DON'T want a tax refund. When you receive a tax refund, you have allowed the government to overcharge you for services, and then use YOUR money interest-free! A person or couple with a $6k refund really needs to do some better planning. That's $500 a month they could have been saving or enjoying throughout the year. Uncle Sam didn't give you squat.

I agree there too, however, I am aweful at saving money and as much as it pains me to think about Uncle Sam getting interest off my money for a whole year on my overpayment, I like getting a nifty little check in March. I especially like to make sure that I don't have to pay in because that would REALLY suck.


b*tch rocket
[/QUOTE] The people that earn the bucks pay more taxes. However much you paid in taxes this year, I hope you pay double that next year! (Same goes for me too!) It means that we all earned more money! Unfortunately, it probably doesn't mean you earned double.

See that's what I'm talkin about. You don't have to earn double to pay double the taxes!

We've got two kids and a mortgage for deductions, but early calculations tell me that we may have to pay taxes, rather than receive a return or break even. My taxes would be decreased EXTENSIVELY if my husband and I were just shacking up rather than being married. I could claim head of household for one kid, he could claim head of household for the other kid. It doesn't really pay to do things the "right way".

I swear, I envy people who can "work the system" to their advantage. Logically, for me and my family, divorce is the way to go. It's not like anything would change, other than a legal piece of paper. However morally (me and my da#m morals!) I couldn't do it. It just sucks that the honest people get burned.


New Member
Originally posted by Christy
Logically, for me and my family, divorce is the way to go[/QUOTE]

Not sure if that was meant to be funny... but here I am laughing my number signs offffffffff


b*tch rocket
Not sure if that was meant to be funny... but here I am laughing my number signs offffffffff

Well Tater, it all just depends on if the old man is on my good side or my bad sad when the subject comes up! :wink: :lmao: