Illegal alien relocation hot takes


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"It's human trafficking!!"

"It's an invasion! An attack!!"

Satinists: :"It's unchristian!!"

"It's kidnapping!!"


These people and their cultbots are HILARIOUS!!! :killingme

We'll note that when Biden was flying illegals around the country and dumping them in the middle of the night not a single one of these tards said a word.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

And see, this is old. Biden was ALREADY moving people around the country, NO COMMUNICATION with the locals to Tennesee, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Florida. And that's just what this article brings up, but there have been many more for the past year and a half.

I guess it wasn't "human trafficking". When Peter Doocy asked why are they bringing them in the middle of the night, his answer was oh, it's actually early MORNING, not the middle of the night. That's called deflection - see, she wasn't going to answer WHY it was happening, just mince words over the TIME.

At the time, it seemed the point was to be able to claim, see, we don't have thousands in detention areas. Of course not - you've either moved them to OTHER detention areas, or you've quietly scattered them across the country. Quietly - unlike Abbott and DeSantis, who are doing this OPENLY.

So when Biden moves them - it's not human trafficking - when Ron DeSantis does - it IS? Just asking.

I think it's like when Obama put up chain link cells and put people in them, they weren't cages until Trump put them there.


Well-Known Member
That's another thing. DeSantis was a rotten dog to fly these people to Martha's Vineyard , but they are doing them a favor calling up the national Guard to move them to Cape Cod.


What are the border states supposed to do with them? And yet when the Vineyard the rich spoiled Yankee MF-ers ship them out the next day and call DeSantis names.

What would they call me if I were president and did what needs to be done.
1. Shut the Border. No more allowed in this country illegally
2. Start rounding them up and shipping them back to where they came from.