"Illegal immigrant" an offensive slur?


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PREMO Member
More PC crap for the masses...
calling someone who entered the U.S. in an unlawful manner "illegal" has become politically incorrect.

...many people I speak to on a day-to-day basis think it serves to dehumanize the person, makes them less than human. Similar to the way the n-word was used to dehumanize African-Americans."

...the activist plans to lobby state lawmakers to use the term "undocumented workers" when talking about Mexicans and other foreigners in the U.S. illegally.

And then from someone who still has a brain...
"[Illegal alien] doesn't describe a person in a negative, pejorative way. It means they don't have U.S. citizenship and that they didn't come to the United States in a lawful manner,"

..."A good comparison would be to say a bank robber simply made an unauthorized withdrawal,"

Meanwhile, U.S. Border Patrol officials report a 15 percent increase in the use of fraudulent documents at the world's busiest land border crossing since Bush announced his proposal.



Happy Camper!
Note to self, when someone does something against the law that is wrong it is not illegal, that is a bad word and I wouldn't want to hurt the wrong doers feelings!:rolleyes:


Asperger's Poster Child
Good point. My guess is that the activists are worried about the children of illegal immigrants being stigmatized by their parents' illegal actions. Valid concern?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Tonio
Good point. My guess is that the activists are worried about the children of illegal immigrants being stigmatized by their parents' illegal actions. Valid concern?
Too dayum bad. There are lots of people out there doing lots of illegal things and their children have to live with it.


Originally posted by cmcdanal
Too dayum bad. There are lots of people out there doing lots of illegal things and their children have to live with it.
:yeahthat: And I'm sick to death of this Politically Correct BS!


Asperger's Poster Child
Yikes! I can't believe you went there either.

I've read that only 6 percent of the illegals are from Mexico. I'm not sure that sounds right, but maybe that's because I'm white and Mexicans are easier to notice.

I've also read that many, many illegals are students and workers who have overstayed their visas. That does sound credible, especially considering the 9/11 hijackers.




Originally posted by Tonio
Valid concern?


I think Jim Carrey Said it best in the movie "Liar Liar". A client of his got arrested - again - for knocking over an ATM, and he needed some legal advice.

The legal advice, screamed into the telephone receiver was the wisest words ever uttered in a Hollywood Movie:


I couldn't have said it better myself.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Toxick

I think Jim Carrey Said it best in the movie "Liar Liar". A client of his got arrested - again - for knocking over an ATM, and he needed some legal advice.

The legal advice, screamed into the telephone receiver was the wisest words ever uttered in a Hollywood Movie:


I couldn't have said it better myself.
