Illegal Immigration Raids


Super Genius
Raids in 6 States Met With Anger, Cheers

What's wrong with these statements:
No charges had been filed against Swift. In a written statement, President and CEO Sam Rovit said the company has never knowingly hired illegal workers and does not condone the practice.

Immigration officials last month informed Swift that it would remove unauthorized workers on Dec. 4, but Swift asked a federal judge to prevent agents from conducting the raid, arguing it would cause "substantial and irreparable injury" to its business.

Swift estimated that a raid would remove up to 40 percent of its 13,000 workers. After a closed hearing, a judge on Thursday rejected Swift's request, clearing the way for the raids.
Translation: We hire lots of illegal workers and we know it, but go ahead and try to prove it :razz:



New Member
"They are taking mothers and fathers and we're really concerned about the children," said the Rev. Clarence Sandoval of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church in Logan, Utah. "I'm getting calls from mothers saying they don't know where their husband was taken," he said.

Tell them their daddy's and husbands went where they wre supposed to MEXICO


In My Opinion
Swift uses a government pilot program to confirm whether Social Security numbers are valid. Company officials have raised questions about the program's ability to detect when two people are using the same number.
The average business owner has little chance of catching a false SSN produced by any employee.
the process that is used to validate these numbers on line are not at all effective.
If the employer questions the legality of the documents, he stands a good chance of being pulled into court for a violation of someones civil rights.
if the employer fails to hire based on the applicants hispanic looks, he stands a good chance of being pulled into court for a violation of someones civil rights.

Maybe I look at things differently than others, but I see this as a real problem for employers. The government offers little assistance to the business, yet if that business is caught with an illegal in its employ, regardless of what the business owner did to insure compliance with the law, he is at fault and will be fined accordingly.


White Buddah

Gwydion said:
Tell them their daddy's and husbands went where they wre supposed to MEXICO
They've been cheating the system for so long, they thought everything was hunky-dory. Now they want to cry about it because they were caught? Boo-effin-hoo.


Lovin' being Texican
Nucklesack said:
In Denver, 9News reports on the negotiations between the Swift & Company's Greeley, Colorado and the feds to make sure that embarrassment was kept to a minimum. How nice:

...Japanese businessmen, who are potential customers, were visiting the Greeley plant....
who would be hustled to the nearest flight to Narita in Tokyo.