Illegal Mexican Kills 4 Kids in Bus Accident.


"Typical White Person"
The Associated Press: Woman Charged in Minn. Bus Crash Deaths

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - The driver of a van that hit a school bus in a crash that killed four children was charged Friday with four counts of criminal vehicular homicide and two lesser charges, authorities said.

The woman, identified as Alianiss Nunez Morales, 23, of Minneota, failed to stop at a stop sign Tuesday before hitting the bus, which was carrying 28 students from Lakeview School, a prosecutor said. The accident happened near the small town of Cottonwood in southwestern Minnesota.

Morales was also charged with a stop sign violation and for driving without a valid license, Lyon County Attorney Richard Maes said.

Authorities said Morales is not the woman's real name, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were trying to figure out her true identity. Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of investigations, said Morales told investigators she was from Mexico, and his agency believes she is in the country illegally.

Morales does not have a Minnesota driver's license, and "she doesn't have a (driver's license) anywhere that we're aware of," said Lt. Mark Peterson of the Minnesota State Patrol.

The criminal vehicular homicide charges are felonies, each punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. The other charges are misdemeanors.

Morales was expected to make her first court appearance Friday.
Story continues in link.


Well-Known Member
well i'm not going to click the link because i'm about to head home...but if she IS illegal....I expect her to be sent back to Mexico and NOT wasting our tax dollars in an American prison... :boo:

Do they regularly lock up illegals in US jails? I can honestly say that I'm not sure either way...


It must have been because the stop sign was in English only.


In My Opinion
did the womans van have fake nuts hanging off the back?

and no. she should not get sent back to mexico, why should she be let off free from punishment?

she needs to suffer in an american jail.


Free to Fly
How awful. The kids on the bus saw their schoolmates and/or friends get killed. That is just horrible. This will take some untangling to find out who this woman really is, where she got the vehicle from - you know she has to have some connections here to have gotten a vehicle.