I'm a stupid idiot - send me your money

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
The sad part is...

...people are ACTUALLY sending her money! I checked out her "weekly update" from 7/28 stating:

"On the money front, I received $617.51 through PayPal and the PO Box, and $156 from my eBay sales. Last week's "Big Ticket Item," a Burberry purse, went for $58! I'm on my way to living a debt-free life! Don't forget to check out this week's "Big Ticket Item" on eBay, an authentic Fendi passport wallet."

So in addition to her plea to send her money out of the goodness of your heart, she's also getting people to buy her junk on eBay - incredible! As the saying goes, "there's a sucker born every minute."


The Original Lilly
Hey you can't blame her for trying! If people are stupid enought to give her money than they deserve to lose it!


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Where's the techies?

If she's so poor how does she manage to run her own web-site from a lap top? Is it possible?