I'm bored and my neck hurts!


Well-Known Member
Had eye surgery for a macular hole last week. Doctor told me to keep my head down 90% of the time for the first week, then 50% after that for a month. Plus, I have to do 20 eye drops (four different types) a day. My flat screen monitor is on the floor, but I won't do that with the TV. You can read and play computer games only so much.
Had eye surgery for a macular hole last week. Doctor told me to keep my head down 90% of the time for the first week, then 50% after that for a month. Plus, I have to do 20 eye drops (four different types) a day. My flat screen monitor is on the floor, but I won't do that with the TV. You can read and play computer games only so much.

90% of waking time or 90% of 24 hours? Either way sux, but ya' gotta do it.


New Member
Had eye surgery for a macular hole last week. Doctor told me to keep my head down 90% of the time for the first week, then 50% after that for a month. Plus, I have to do 20 eye drops (four different types) a day. My flat screen monitor is on the floor, but I won't do that with the TV. You can read and play computer games only so much.

I feel for you my Mom had that surgery done and her pressure went up way too high, we had to take her to the doctor in the middle of the night to get the pressure under control. Believe me, its a pain but you need to follow directions. You can't take a chance on that little bubble empting out. I teased my mom a lot cause she said they filled it up with gas. Everytime she blinked I made a fart noise with my mouth. LOL:killingme In case your wondering, yes I am a blonde. LOL Take care of that eye and good luck.