I'm feeling kinda Sunday.....

river rat


I'm ready for some football!

Eagles and Steelers are going to Tampa!
It's good to be from Pennsylvania :dance:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
9 hours to get my #### together; clean house, pay bills, take care of the gerbers, get beer.

My priorities are all out of whack; take care of gerbers which begets the money to buy beer, hire maid, pay bills...


river rat

9 hours to get my #### together; clean house, pay bills, take care of the gerbers, get beer.

My priorities are all out of whack; take care of gerbers which begets the money to buy beer, hire maid, pay bills...


Man, you had all day yesterday to get your #### together.....what happened?

Take care of Gerbers, and get beer. Cleaning house and paying bills are not Sunday chores :nono: It's in the Commandments.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Man, you had all day yesterday to get your #### together.....what happened?

Take care of Gerbers, and get beer. Cleaning house and paying bills are not Sunday chores :nono: It's in the Commandments.

Yesterday was take care of gerbers day, like every other day for the next 6 months, and play guitar all day day with some grocery shopping day thrown in for good measure. Plus, when I checked on the seedlings at around 7 last night, a heat tape had failed which meant another two hours of taking care of gerbers day, extended version. Sprinkle in some dirt bike and four wheeler riding and it was a full day! Oh, and thaw a pipe day, too, which was actually the easy part... :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh yeah, and I made 'sghetti, too. Old family recipe. My Auntie Betty Ragu Gude's...brown some cow, throw in some canned tomatoes, boil some linguine...absurdly simple. Absurdly good. :buddies: