IM Getting Excited



In less than a week we will know the results of this election. Isn't that exciting?

I just have a feeling the Erlich and KKT race is going to be a close one, and I am praying Erlich comes out ahead. I am a state worker and don't want to be stuck with KKT. :boo:

We have a controversial race going on here in Charles County for State's Attorney so I will be keeping my eye on that too. I would like to see a new State's Attorney since I did read an article that the current one plea-bargins most of his cases 95% of the time. That bothered me.


New Member
Although i live in St.marys I am good friends with one of his sons. All I know is that Mr.Collins is a good man who has way more experience then his opponet. Intresting race you have up there though.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
... who has way more experience then his opponet. ....
Tip for ya SMC...

Experience doesn't always = competence.


All I know is that Mr.Collins is a good man who has way more experience then his opponet.

He may be a good man but I disagree with the amount of experience Mr. Collins has as outweighing what Mr. Hennessey has. In the past 4 years, Mr. Collins has prosecuted how many cases? A mere 5, which may not be considered enough to be a practicing attorney.

Plus if the job was all about plea bargaining cases for lesser, I guess I will run for the job next election

seeking justice

New Member
Charles County States Attorney

I know I feel more comfortable with a prosecutor as States Attorney. I'd feel a little uncomfortable with a defense attorney, even with all his past police history, as the prosecutor.

Bofore you can manage the office you need to at least put some time in the trenches. I realize that as a defense attorney there is court room time and experience. Yet much different than doing everything that must be done to get to trail, and then establish everything that must be done to find the TRUTH.

just my $.02 worth.


See I told you this was a controversial race. :wink:

I have relatives and friends that have worked with Mr. Hennessy and speak very highly of him and of his ability. I think his experience from the bottom up may make him more able in the job of a prosecutor. I would not want the president of a company to walk off the street and be the boss when they haven't spent anytime in trenches. I think Mr. Hennessy's qualifications are a good thing. Like I said before, it really bother me that 95% of Mr. Collin's cases are plea-bargins and that he has only prosecuted 5 (Maybe 5 he said) cases in the last 4 years.

There was an article over the weekend about him in the paper.
Candidates Take Interest in Babysitter's Abuse Case

The subject matter is a touchy one I know and I hope his interest doesn't effect his outcome in the race, because from what I have read, he has made no promises to this group, nor could he. It is out of his hands.

I have also heard some heat on the Sheriff race too. Some folks have complained about the palace Sheriff Davis had built. But, I don't know about the lack of qualifications I feel Mr. Coffey has, so I am leaning on re-electing Sheriff Davis.

I'm lost on the school board as to who to vote for. Also, what is this home rule status for Charles County?
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