"I'm having a hard time finding a job"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, you're probably not looking very hard. Or at all.

There are a zillion bars, restaurants, retail stores,entertainment venues, etc in my city and yet young people are always posting on FB that they "can't" find a job.


My suggestion to go up and down our major shopping center and put in applications is typically met with sneers, which tells me they want the job to come to them and aren't really looking at all. I guarantee that if I wanted a job I'd have one by the end of the day. I've always gotten my non-career jobs by inquiring within and typically had same-day success.

What's with these kids?


Just sneakin' around....
It's not that they can't find a job, it's that they can't find a job where they work 1 hour a day, get paid for 8 and expect to be paid as though they had 30 years experience, don't do anything physical, and are allowed to social media while on duty.


Well-Known Member
Most kids (and a LOT of adults) want to work from home. Those jobs are disappearing quickly yet, the demand for those job by job seekers is still very large.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Lets see, they dont want to work weekends, nights or holidays, they cant stay past 4 and cant manage to make it the job until 10:00 AM. They must have an hour lunch and at least 2 30 minute breaks during the day. Otherwise they're being abused my management.
Both my father and brother had to work 15-20 years before they had enough seniority to have Saturdays and Sundays off.


the poor dad
Last week, I asked 2 different teenagers if they would like a job washing my tractors and pickups after the snowstorms. Wanted it done this past Sunday since it was gonna be one of the warmest days. Neither could or wanted to do it - too cold one said. Was gonna pay $25 per piece and I was supplying the pressure washer, brush and soap. It takes less than an hour per piece - so $25 per hour. Not bad for a teenager imo. My daughter ended up taking the offer after already putting in 55 hours last week plowing snow and another 16 hours at the hardware store.


Well-Known Member
Last week, I asked 2 different teenagers if they would like a job washing my tractors and pickups after the snowstorms. Wanted it done this past Sunday since it was gonna be one of the warmest days. Neither could or wanted to do it - too cold one said. Was gonna pay $25 per piece and I was supplying the pressure washer, brush and soap. It takes less than an hour per piece - so $25 per hour. Not bad for a teenager imo. My daughter ended up taking the offer after already putting in 55 hours last week plowing snow and another 16 hours at the hardware store.
If she is single, she won't be for long!:thewave:
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


..if momma ain't happy...
Last week, I asked 2 different teenagers if they would like a job washing my tractors and pickups after the snowstorms. Wanted it done this past Sunday since it was gonna be one of the warmest days. Neither could or wanted to do it - too cold one said. Was gonna pay $25 per piece and I was supplying the pressure washer, brush and soap. It takes less than an hour per piece - so $25 per hour. Not bad for a teenager imo. My daughter ended up taking the offer after already putting in 55 hours last week plowing snow and another 16 hours at the hardware store.
Damn, why didn't I know about this?
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Just sneakin' around....
Back in the 60s we got hit with a major snowstorm. Driveways were drifted to easily 6 feet. My dad and I were walking after they plowed, came across one older lady who lived alone and couldn't shovel, so my dad volunteered me to dig her out. (side-eye..... glare....) I spent hours and hours at her place and because my dad had volunteered, it was a no-cost job. She did give me a nice tip, tho. The humility and dad's lesson sunk in about helping, being useful, and just being a decent person, and that was the start of my mowing and shoveling business for years.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

With all the snow needing shoveling of late from driveways, I have yet to hear of girls, or young women, going door-to-door, with shovel in hand, offering their snow removal services. I wonder why that is, since, they supposedly can do everything a boy, or young man, can do.


What's with these kids?
Look at the current year. You don't go to jobs with a resume in hand anymore and get accepted because the manager likes your firm handshake. The only way to get a job now is if you have connections. This vision that anyone off the street can walk into a store and get a job within a week is a ****ing lie that has been dead for years. The managers that hired you in the 60s-80s don't exist anymore. The places to get jobs now are online job boards. The biggest job boards are filled to the brim with ghost jobs, or listings that are already filled. There's "entry level jobs" paying minimum wage that requires prior experience. Look outside your closeted little bubble of old people speeding towards a wall, and you'll get story after story of young people applying to jobs and getting automatically declined because algorithms decided before a person even looked at your resume that you weren't getting accepted.
Oh honey, no no no. The ones whose *mom* asks who's hiring because their 20-something "can't" find a job. :roflmao:

I've been finding my own jobs since I was 13.
The process of getting a job at the time when you were 13 is much different than the 16-24 year olds trying to get jobs in 2025, because the filter was much smaller. Most jobs that aren't local small businesses require you to apply online, and therefore the filter widens exponentially. And honestly, shame on you for ridiculing desperate people trying to find jobs. I bet those people whose moms are asking for jobs are desperate to the point of hitting the breaking point. Yet here you are, laughing at the less fortunate solely because they weren't like you-- born in a time where things were dirt cheap and easy to obtain.
It's not that they can't find a job, it's that they can't find a job where they work 1 hour a day, get paid for 8 and expect to be paid as though they had 30 years experience, don't do anything physical, and are allowed to social media while on duty.
For the love of god, shut the **** up. Your outdated, out of touch opinion from 40 years ago on those darn whippersnappers being lazy has no bearing on the situation on hand. I can guarantee for every "lazy" young person you see, there's 3 decrepit people your age stuck in middle management with superiority complexes and complacent with doing a crap job and offloading work onto others. There's a reason why you reminisce about the 60s, and it's because you're stuck in them and still think that we can return to the "good old days" with just a little bit of elbow-grease and determination.
Lets see, they dont want to work weekends, nights or holidays, they cant stay past 4 and cant manage to make it the job until 10:00 AM. They must have an hour lunch and at least 2 30 minute breaks during the day. Otherwise they're being abused my management.
I'm glad your name is "luvmygdaughters" because you're already outing how old you are and how little your opinion matters to the current employment crisis on hand. God forbid young people want to have a social life and not be constantly ground into fine dust dealing with wrinkly out of touch freaks like yourself. Isn't it just appalling that they want to have time off, to not be trapped in a cycle of waking up, working themselves to the bone, then being too tired to enjoy the life they were given by God? Better yet, this problem gets exascerbated when expenses are thrown into the equation, because the mental stress of not being able to make ends meet is enough to drive people to mental collapse. Yet I bet you and other old people in this garbage heap of a thread would shame young people for living with their parents because its more cost effective.

The people I'm replying to, including Kyle, congratulations. I'm glad you can smugly look down on younger people because you were lucky enough to be born in an era where things were realistically attainable with a a little bit of work. That era is gone. I have infinitely less respect for you than when I first saw this thread because I now believe that you physically cannot see past your own experiences and are too short-sighted to empathize with younger people.

I got my first actual job when I was 17, working at a grocery store as a cashier. I hated every second of it. I wasn't respected and working close to 55-60 hours a week, 6-7 days a week, for minimum wage in a place where I wasn't allowed to sit down to rest, eventually leading to me being diagnosed with a musculoskeletal condition in my lower legs. I couldn't get emergency time off, and was eventually written up for "attendance issues" when I had a massive seizure that led to a week-long stay in a hospital right before work. I couldn't spend time with my family or friends. I had to work holidays as we were chronically understaffed. Most of the time when I would have a day off, I would be forced to come in. Even with all of that, I couldn't afford to have my own place. Just for rent, not including other bills, would have taken up ~90% of my paycheck.

Young people are being thrust into a literal economic hell, but sleazy dirtbag geezers like you can't look past your 10x readers glasses that you need to look at your computer to at least have a shred of sympathy. Don't blame the people who caused this crisis, because that would make too much sense. Don't blame the uber-rich companies, executives, and politicans who meticulously crafted this conundrum. Keep smirking to yourself when you mock young people because you can't empathize with their struggles. I'm sure that young people being lazy and not being grateful is the reason why you are the most hated types of people.


Well-Known Member
Look at the current year. You don't go to jobs with a resume in hand anymore and get accepted because the manager likes your firm handshake. The only way to get a job now is if you have connections. This vision that anyone off the street can walk into a store and get a job within a week is a ****ing lie that has been dead for years. The managers that hired you in the 60s-80s don't exist anymore. The places to get jobs now are online job boards. The biggest job boards are filled to the brim with ghost jobs, or listings that are already filled. There's "entry level jobs" paying minimum wage that requires prior experience. Look outside your closeted little bubble of old people speeding towards a wall, and you'll get story after story of young people applying to jobs and getting automatically declined because algorithms decided before a person even looked at your resume that you weren't getting accepted.

The process of getting a job at the time when you were 13 is much different than the 16-24 year olds trying to get jobs in 2025, because the filter was much smaller. Most jobs that aren't local small businesses require you to apply online, and therefore the filter widens exponentially. And honestly, shame on you for ridiculing desperate people trying to find jobs. I bet those people whose moms are asking for jobs are desperate to the point of hitting the breaking point. Yet here you are, laughing at the less fortunate solely because they weren't like you-- born in a time where things were dirt cheap and easy to obtain.

For the love of god, shut the **** up. Your outdated, out of touch opinion from 40 years ago on those darn whippersnappers being lazy has no bearing on the situation on hand. I can guarantee for every "lazy" young person you see, there's 3 decrepit people your age stuck in middle management with superiority complexes and complacent with doing a crap job and offloading work onto others. There's a reason why you reminisce about the 60s, and it's because you're stuck in them and still think that we can return to the "good old days" with just a little bit of elbow-grease and determination.

I'm glad your name is "luvmygdaughters" because you're already outing how old you are and how little your opinion matters to the current employment crisis on hand. God forbid young people want to have a social life and not be constantly ground into fine dust dealing with wrinkly out of touch freaks like yourself. Isn't it just appalling that they want to have time off, to not be trapped in a cycle of waking up, working themselves to the bone, then being too tired to enjoy the life they were given by God? Better yet, this problem gets exascerbated when expenses are thrown into the equation, because the mental stress of not being able to make ends meet is enough to drive people to mental collapse. Yet I bet you and other old people in this garbage heap of a thread would shame young people for living with their parents because its more cost effective.

The people I'm replying to, including Kyle, congratulations. I'm glad you can smugly look down on younger people because you were lucky enough to be born in an era where things were realistically attainable with a a little bit of work. That era is gone. I have infinitely less respect for you than when I first saw this thread because I now believe that you physically cannot see past your own experiences and are too short-sighted to empathize with younger people.

I got my first actual job when I was 17, working at a grocery store as a cashier. I hated every second of it. I wasn't respected and working close to 55-60 hours a week, 6-7 days a week, for minimum wage in a place where I wasn't allowed to sit down to rest, eventually leading to me being diagnosed with a musculoskeletal condition in my lower legs. I couldn't get emergency time off, and was eventually written up for "attendance issues" when I had a massive seizure that led to a week-long stay in a hospital right before work. I couldn't spend time with my family or friends. I had to work holidays as we were chronically understaffed. Most of the time when I would have a day off, I would be forced to come in. Even with all of that, I couldn't afford to have my own place. Just for rent, not including other bills, would have taken up ~90% of my paycheck.

Young people are being thrust into a literal economic hell, but sleazy dirtbag geezers like you can't look past your 10x readers glasses that you need to look at your computer to at least have a shred of sympathy. Don't blame the people who caused this crisis, because that would make too much sense. Don't blame the uber-rich companies, executives, and politicans who meticulously crafted this conundrum. Keep smirking to yourself when you mock young people because you can't empathize with their struggles. I'm sure that young people being lazy and not being grateful is the reason why you are the most hated types of people.
Gee, you forgot to end with shut the **** up, boomer