I'm not a big fan of big federal government


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The conservative news people are blaming Joe Biden for crime, which is out of control in Democrat-run cities, but how is that his fault and what do they expect him to do about it?

Mayors in those cities are the ones responsible, and after that the Governors. Ultimately it's the voters who are responsible because if they weren't such idiots they wouldn't elect soft on crime state legislators, Mayors, and DAs. You get what you vote for.

I mean, I get that they want to stick it to Sleepy Joe but his response to that should be, "Hey, Mayors? Get your chit together. And hey, voters? Stop electing these aholes who are destroying your city." Of course he's not going to say that because those people are his Party mates and he's never EVER allowed to speak against them.

The Left tried to do that with Trump - "What are you going to do about crime in Portland???" :dork:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I do blame him for the extremely lame ass response he pulled out of his ass today - blaming it on guns.

Right. There’s a SURGE in crime because despite all evidence pointing to other causes - it must be GUNS, right? Suddenly crime went up at all levels because what, there’s more guns within the last year than anytime before?

No, moron. Tell me what DID happen this past year?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I do blame him for the extremely lame ass response he pulled out of his ass today - blaming it on guns.

Right. There’s a SURGE in crime because despite all evidence pointing to other causes - it must be GUNS, right? Suddenly crime went up at all levels because what, there’s more guns within the last year than anytime before?

No, moron. Tell me what DID happen this past year?

Surely you are not suggesting that it might have something to do with all the Democrat Mayors in crime filled shitholes defunding their police departments???


On some level it's fun watching these lamebrains twist themselves into knots trying to make excuses for their stupid decisions that make things worse, but really it's exhausting and alarming. They're like Wendy's brother on "Ozark". Maybe that's it - they're all bipolar.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Surely you are not suggesting that it might have something to do with all the Democrat Mayors in crime filled shitholes defunding their police departments???


See, that is so patently obvious, it shouldn't need to be mentioned. Cities that slashed their police departments, saw massive retirements and fall off of their police force - and surprise, more crime.

What bewilders me is not that the left blames guns - but any sane, rational person would reason that if something SUDDENLY changed, and it did in many places, the logical thing to question is - what happened recently that all of these places have in common? You wouldn't blame something that has always been there and hasn't changed much.


Well-Known Member
Not just any gun but ghost guns. They needed something new to talk about and now people will think they are invisible guns.


PREMO Member
The conservative news people are blaming Joe Biden for crime,

Biden supported Defund the Police ..... Harris raised money to bail out AntiFA / BLM Rioters

Biden - as the face of the Democratic Party - continues to blame guns ... and says the Feds will do something about it with [ pie in the sky ] back ground checks


PREMO Member
What bewilders me is not that the left blames guns -

No Not Really NO ONE wants to engage with ' Personal Responsibility '

Ghetto Rats killing each other over Social Media Slights ... Gun make it easier

If they didn't have guns criminals would use knives ... but perhaps the amount of innocent bystanders killed would decrease


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
No Not Really NO ONE wants to engage with ' Personal Responsibility '

Ghetto Rats killing each other over Social Media Slights ... Gun make it easier

If they didn't have guns criminals would use knives ... but perhaps the amount of innocent bystanders killed would decrease

Well, what's bizaree is, there has ALSO been a massive increase in NON-gun crimes, and two of the most well known recent murders in the news - a stabbing and being pushed in front of a subway - had no guns at all. The smash and grabs happening all over, they don't have guns.

If GUNS were the problem, why is it that non-gun crimes are ALSO way up? If guns were the problem - why NOW, all of a sudden? If guns were the problem, is it just coincidence that crime is way up in cities that have cut back on their police force, enacted all sorts of criminal protected and eliminated bail - where DA's have gone on record as saying, they're disregarding some crimes altogether?


Well-Known Member
When you start putting police officers in jail for doing their job other police officers take notice.

The liberals want criminals handled with kid gloves. Arrest the criminals and they get back home before the officer can get the paperwork done. No bail just walk out. Parole for violent felons. Cartel members and just plain drunken illegals roaming across the border and bringing dope and Fentanyl with them. ICE and the Border Patrol told not to uphold the law. Illegals getting free plane rides in the middle of the night.

All of these things are happening and all of these things are supported by the current Administration and the democrats in the Capitol.

Why should any police officer bust his/her balls to do his/her job when the only thing they can do that is anything like Police work is write traffic tickets and they might get shot doing that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Why should any police officer bust his/her balls to do his/her job when the only thing they can do that is anything like Police work is write traffic tickets and they might get shot doing that.

They won't, and what these cities will end up with are police forces filled with sociopaths and adrenaline junkies. Anyone with half a brain will go into another career path.

Maybe that's the goal: fill the police ranks with crazy brutes with no conscience who will lay waste on command. That's what Hitler did.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
They won't, and what these cities will end up with are police forces filled with sociopaths and adrenaline junkies. Anyone with half a brain will go into another career path.

Maybe that's the goal: fill the police ranks with crazy brutes with no conscience who will lay waste on command. That's what Hitler did.
Now I feel bad because thats the exact type I want to turn loose ON the Democrats. :whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A not to far fetched scenario .... Thugs who will FOLLOW Any Order ...

Because they like it - they enjoy busting heads and kicking in doors. That's what these cities are heading toward, and good for them. They clearly want it that way or they'd vote differently.