I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


Harley Rider
In the rededicated temple that you speak of, a young Jesus said (according to the New Testament, of course): "Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" (Luke 2:49).
What's wrong with Jesus teaching in a temple under the old covenant? Where else would He find sinners? He wasn't teaching the old law however, He was teaching the New Covenant that He was introducing. So, until He was killed,
the people were still under the old covenant. In obedience to the law, He even told people that he healed to go and offer the appropriate sacrifices with thanks to God for their healing. After He died He would no longer tell them that since there was no longer any need for animal sacrifices; something you Jews need to get on board with!
Beta84 said:
If Jesus was Jewish and celebrated the Jewish holidays (we all know he celebrated Passover, helloooo last supper!) and most, if not all of them are in the Old Testament and part of the Christian religion, why is it that these holidays are utterly ignored by modern day Christians? Why ignore the holidays that Jesus himself celebrated? Did something in the new testament say "you can ignore these holidays, woopeee!!" or something? I wouldn't be surprised, so many other things were simply canceled out in the New Testament as well. But if he's celebrating Passover then why is that not still celebrated in Christianity today?
The answer to all of these questions is JESUS. As I said earlier, until He died, all of the laws and holydays were still observed. After He died, many but not all of the OT laws, holydays & rituals were done away with. Why offer sacrifices for sins when Jesus became the once for all sacrifice for all of us? Could you imagine if we all still had to sacrifice animals as they did back then?
You people are like 8 track players in the days of digital technology. Catch up dude! Your life depends on it.:evil:


Harley Rider
vrai isn't a tard. and you make it a little personal by telling everyone they're going to hell if they don't worship just like you do.

you can't compare the way to get into heaven with the way to become a cop or lawyer. one was is very most definitely absolutely known. The other way is very questionable. Not only is there no proof that it's the right answer, but there's no proof that anyone has gotten to heaven by that method or that there is even a heaven (and if u have photos of heaven or letters from beyond, i'd love to see them).

i dunno about vrai, but if i was told by God himself exactly how to get into heaven, explained all the different paths and what each path led me to in the afterlife, I'd explore all of those options. And don't tell me some books that were written thousands of years ago are conclusively definitely right and lay those options out. So without being given an absolute way of knowing, it's not fair for any being to expect me to just be able to figure out which religion is right without any concrete proof. I believe in what I'm most comfortable in believing based on my experiences. Almost every ring of hell is reserved for people who have done bad things, except for the circle of nonbelievers (who's up for a game of Limbo?). Why? because it's BAD things that send you to hell (assuming there is such a place). The entire point is to be a GOOD person. Religion isn't so important if you're just a good person with good morals. But when you use religion for the wrong reasons, that's a good way to take a middle seat to hell (I'd say front seat, but i guess there are some worse crimes eh?). There are plenty of "holier than thou" people who will end up with that fate. Sucks to be them. If only they could be nice instead of being jerks and using their religion for good, we'd all be happier :yay:
I hope you like REAL hot weather! :evil:
I wondered how long it would take for someone to see that. I don't know why but I've always spelled it with a "p". :yay:
Beta caught the extra apostrophe. :bigwhoop:


They're out to get us
What's wrong with Jesus teaching in a temple under the old covenant? Where else would He find sinners? He wasn't teaching the old law however, He was teaching the New Covenant that He was introducing. So, until He was killed,
the people were still under the old covenant. In obedience to the law, He even told people that he healed to go and offer the appropriate sacrifices with thanks to God for their healing. After He died He would no longer tell them that since there was no longer any need for animal sacrifices; something you Jews need to get on board with!

The answer to all of these questions is JESUS. As I said earlier, until He died, all of the laws and holydays were still observed. After He died, many but not all of the OT laws, holydays & rituals were done away with. Why offer sacrifices for sins when Jesus became the once for all sacrifice for all of us? Could you imagine if we all still had to sacrifice animals as they did back then?
You people are like 8 track players in the days of digital technology. Catch up dude! Your life depends on it.:evil:

You need to read your post, then read mine again. You were talking about all those 'evil' people who rededicated the temple...which was done BEFORE Jesus. So how are they evil if they were HIS forefathers in the religion that HE observed. And after his death, how was he going to tell them anything? :lol:

You didn't really answer my question. I never said anything about sacrificing animals. Do you see Jewish people sacrificing animals in the common era? Are you that dumb that you think that? Do you know ANYTHING at all, or do you just talk out of your ass? Sacrifices no longer have anything to do with holidays and religious observances that only deal with honoring things that occurred in the past. Passover is covering the story from Exodus. Numerous other holidays come from the other books. Are you telling me that all of the stuff Papa God did became irrelevant, and only God Jr is to be honored? I don't hear about many holidays that aren't honoring God Jr specifically. Oh and yes, I'm going back to your God family comparison for this terminology. If you say all 3 guys in the God family are of equal importance, why don't you quote all 3? What happened to the rest?

You're fun to play with. :dye:


They're out to get us
I hope you like REAL hot weather! :evil:

I wondered how long it would take for someone to see that. I don't know why but I've always spelled it with a "p". :yay:
Beta caught the extra apostrophe. :bigwhoop:

I'm from Florida. I love it. But you'll have to send me a postcard and tell me how hot it actually is. :yay:


New Member
Beta, IS doesn't know anything about the jewish faith.

All he knows came from two or three sentences in the bible, Mel Brooks movies, and thirty seconds from the end of Adam Sandlers hanukkah song he heard while switching stations 7 years ago.


They're out to get us
Beta, IS doesn't know anything about the jewish faith.

All he knows came from two or three sentences in the bible, Mel Brooks movies, and thirty seconds from the end of Adam Sandlers hanukkah song he heard while switching stations 7 years ago.
I know. But considering he is someone that's so 'well-versed' you would think he could tell you stuff about the Old Testament. All he knows is some new testament stuff, probably a few lines here or there, and then the rest he made up by himself. Which is why I said it's so fun playing with him. I'm picking his brain and watching him fail miserably.

Go to Ms.....to see real hot weather......:lol:
WHAT? No, YOU go to hell! Jerk! :lmao: (yes, MS is hell! It must be...right?)

Actually I'm from way south...definitely hotter than it typically gets in MS. Some of the southwest might hit hotter, but humidity will nail u every time. Dry heat is nice.


I know. But considering he is someone that's so 'well-versed' you would think he could tell you stuff about the Old Testament. All he knows is some new testament stuff, probably a few lines here or there, and then the rest he made up by himself. Which is why I said it's so fun playing with him. I'm picking his brain and watching him fail miserably.

WHAT? No, YOU go to hell! Jerk! :lmao: (yes, MS is hell! It must be...right?)

Actually I'm from way south...definitely hotter than it typically gets in MS. Some of the southwest might hit hotter, but humidity will nail u every time. Dry heat is nice.

Ms. is in the Southeast......dummy..and will give any Florida weather a slap in the face...:lol:

You ain't felt humidity 'till you come to Ms.......:huggy:


They're out to get us
Ms. is in the Southeast......dummy..and will give any Florida weather a slap in the face...:lol:

You ain't felt humidity 'till you come to Ms.......:huggy:

I said the southWEST had some really hot heat. I know where every state is without a map and I know all the capitals (i love my geography!) But seriously...try living with 1 ocean 20-30 minutes to the east, 1 hour to the west, 1 hour south, and 5 minutes from the Everglades swamp/wetlands both west and north. Yeah. That's what we call crazy humidity comin at ya from all directions. :jameo:


I said the southWEST had some really hot heat. But seriously...try living with 1 ocean 20-30 minutes to the east, 1 hour to the west, 1 hour south, and 5 minutes from the Everglades swamp/wetlands both west and north. Yeah. That's what we call crazy humidity comin at ya from all directions. :jameo:

Go to the MS. Delta.......just one time in August.


Harley Rider
You need to read your post, then read mine again. You were talking about all those 'evil' people who rededicated the temple...which was done BEFORE Jesus. So how are they evil if they were HIS forefathers in the religion that HE observed. And after his death, how was he going to tell them anything? :lol:

You didn't really answer my question. I never said anything about sacrificing animals. Do you see Jewish people sacrificing animals in the common era? Are you that dumb that you think that? Do you know ANYTHING at all, or do you just talk out of your ass? Sacrifices no longer have anything to do with holidays and religious observances that only deal with honoring things that occurred in the past. Passover is covering the story from Exodus. Numerous other holidays come from the other books. Are you telling me that all of the stuff Papa God did became irrelevant, and only God Jr is to be honored? I don't hear about many holidays that aren't honoring God Jr specifically. Oh and yes, I'm going back to your God family comparison for this terminology. If you say all 3 guys in the God family are of equal importance, why don't you quote all 3? What happened to the rest?

You're fun to play with. :dye:
This is why you're perishing. You make fun of it now but you'll wish for it forever. We were talking about Jesus in the temple which you brought up but since you'd rather show your a$$ to the forum and be cute, I'll let you enjoy yourself. Bye Bye junior.


Harley Rider
Beta, IS doesn't know anything about the jewish faith.

All he knows came from two or three sentences in the bible, Mel Brooks movies, and thirty seconds from the end of Adam Sandlers hanukkah song he heard while switching stations 7 years ago.
Laugh now, cry later. Bye Bye to you too.


They're out to get us
This is why you're perishing. You make fun of it now but you'll wish for it forever. We were talking about Jesus in the temple which you brought up but since you'd rather show your a$$ to the forum and be cute, I'll let you enjoy yourself. Bye Bye junior.

I'm laughing at YOU and YOUR craptastic explanations that are basically wrong and inaccurate. I'm not laughing about anything else. Unless you're God, I'm not going to perish...cuz I'm merely mocking you. :yay:


:buddies: Cheers to you! BTW I love you avatar! That movie rocks! Cant wait til it comes on. I think it will be on Christmas day for 24 hours. I have to work that day, but will try to watch it at some point. Also, love Its a Wonderful Life and Chritmas Shoes!

It's a wonderful life is definitely a classic and miracle on 34th street. Elf has become one of my new favorites too.