I'm not saying Happy Holidays!


They're out to get us
It's a wonderful life is definitely a classic and miracle on 34th street. Elf has become one of my new favorites too.

those are all good movies :smile: well, elf i only saw once and was kinda lame but will ferrell movies usually have to grow on me.


New Member
Question for those offended by happy holidays

I have the very distinct impression that the Roman Catholic Church doesn't really consider Christmas to be an important religious holiday and that it is unhappy to some extent with the emphasis put on material gifts. I'm less sure about what the other Christian denominations teach, but I have reason to think most are similar in this.

If I am correct in this, why would a member of one of these religious sects be so insistent that saying happy holidays is wrong.

Variblonde is exactly right by the way (I never thought I'd type those words). If your employer asks you to greet customers and fellow employees in a particular manner and you don't like it, you can try to get them to change the rules, live with them or quit, the same as if you don't like the dress code.

On a different note, for those that complain that our society is becoming too "PC", I would argue that what you are seeing is actually an increase in civility and respect. Often in the past what was acceptable in polite society was was in fact anything but polite. Most folks would be unhappy (and would correct them) if their child went up to a stranger and said "wow you're really fat" or pointed at someone and said very loudly "that women is very ugly" They would be upset because that would hurt the feelings of a fellow human being for no good reason. If I'm introduced to someone and they ask to be called Robert and I insist on calling them Bob, I think I'm being rude. If Americans whose families came to the United States from Italy ask to called Italian Americans calling them Wops or Guineas would be rude. Its exactly the same thing as I see it.

I suspect that many of you wouldn't consider walking up to a Native American and calling them a Redskin, but you have no problem rooting for the Washington Redskins (whose logo is a caricature of a Native American). Maybe I'm out of the norm here but to me they are both rude and uncivil.

As Americans we are truly blessed to have freedom of speech, and by the way organizations like the ACLU which fight to preserve that freedom even for the most obnoxious among us. We are a better people for having that right. I believe that we strengthen ourselves as a people when we choose to use that right in a manner that we can be proud of. Certainly there are times and places when impassioned speech is called for, but even in those circumstances rudeness is rarely called for and even more rarely effective.
Last edited:


Harley Rider
I'm laughing at YOU and YOUR craptastic explanations that are basically wrong and inaccurate. I'm not laughing about anything else. Unless you're God, I'm not going to perish...cuz I'm merely mocking you. :yay:
Save it puppy. The only thing I was wrong about was Hanukkah presents but even that wasn't what I was questioning. The issue was about what the stores and catalogues say at this time of year. CHRISTMAS shopping, CHRISTMAS presents, CHRISTMAS catalogues, CHRISTMAS lights, CHRISTMAS trees, CHRISTMAS vacation, ETC! You and your ancestors know and care little about the true meaning of Christmas so go look out your bedroom window and wait for your Messiah. Mine already has been here. Poof, gone, bye bye!


Well-Known Member
Save it puppy. The only thing I was wrong about was Hanukkah presents but even that wasn't what I was questioning. The issue was about what the stores and catalogues say at this time of year. CHRISTMAS shopping, CHRISTMAS presents, CHRISTMAS catalogues, CHRISTMAS lights, CHRISTMAS trees, CHRISTMAS vacation, ETC! You and your ancestors know and care little about the true meaning of Christmas so go look out your bedroom window and wait for your Messiah. Mine already has been here. Poof, gone, bye bye!

I usually stay out of these debates but I must say...you are a rude, arrogant, sarcastic, inpolite poor example of the "true" Christian that you claim to be. What church do you belong to? If you're an example of the congregaton I'll be sure not to go there.


Harley Rider
I usually stay out of these debates but I must say...you are a rude, arrogant, sarcastic, inpolite poor example of the "true" Christian that you claim to be. What church do you belong to? If you're an example of the congregaton I'll be sure not to go there.
Sorry I don't fit into your "feelgood" Christian mold. People like you are the reason that churches are like they are and the world is like it is.
"Miss feelgood liberal". Oh please Mr Italian guy don't offend anyone for then they might just straighten up and fly right. Go sit in your church and sing and let people like me work in the trenches cupcake. You stay in your nice warm sanctuary and make us a new batch of USELESS feelgood people. Nice to meet you by the way.:evil:


Well-Known Member
Sorry I don't fit into your "feelgood" Christian mold. People like you are the reason that churches are like they are and the world is like it is.
"Miss feelgood liberal". Oh please Mr Italian guy don't offend anyone for then they might just straighten up and fly right. Go sit in your church and sing and let people like me work in the trenches cupcake. You stay in your nice warm sanctuary and make us a new batch of USELESS feelgood people. Nice to meet you by the way.:evil:

Hold on here. "People like me" What do you mean "people like me". You don't know me. You don't know what I believe in, what faith I am, if I attend church, what I do, etc. You have not offended me by what you believe, it's the way you come across. Doesn't Jesus want Christians to testify and witness and lead people to the Lord? I wouldn't think that includes arrogance, rudeness and sarcasm. Not the proper way to lead someone to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Why don't you try a bit softer approach instead of blasting everyone and condemning them to hell. Do Jesus's work and lead them to him to save them from hell. The church I was raised in is NOT a batch of USELESS FEELGOOD PEOPLE. Again, by saying what you said above you just proved my point. You are a terrible example of the Christian you claim to be.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Go sit in your church and sing and let people like me work in the trenches cupcake. You stay in your nice warm sanctuary and make us a new batch of USELESS feelgood people.

OMG, that sounds wonderful! Thanks! I would love to sing in a nice warm sanctuary, surrounded by fellowship, while you go off to antagonize people in the name of the Lord.

You rock! :yay:


Well-Known Member
Sorry I don't fit into your "feelgood" Christian mold. People like you are the reason that churches are like they are and the world is like it is.
"Miss feelgood liberal". Oh please Mr Italian guy don't offend anyone for then they might just straighten up and fly right. Go sit in your church and sing and let people like me work in the trenches cupcake. You stay in your nice warm sanctuary and make us a new batch of USELESS feelgood people. Nice to meet you by the way.:evil:

One more thing. Please explain to me why people like me are the reason churches and the world are the way they are and why I am a Miss Feelgood Liberal. "People like me"....what am I like?...please DO tell me what you base your statement about me on since you don't know me from Jack Squat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see his banners go!



Well-Known Member
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see his banners go!


Like a mighty tortoise
Moves the church of God.
Brothers we are treading,
Where we've often trod.
We are much divided,
Many bodies we,
Having different doctrines, but
Not much charity.


those are all good movies :smile: well, elf i only saw once and was kinda lame but will ferrell movies usually have to grow on me.

I love Will Ferrall. Another good one that just came out is Fred Claus with Vince Vaughn. They are both hilarious actors. You should also see Step Brothers. I haven't laughed at a movie like that in a long time


They're out to get us
I have the very distinct impression that the Roman Catholic Church doesn't really consider Christmas to be an important religious holiday and that it is unhappy to some extent with the emphasis put on material gifts. I'm less sure about what the other Christian denominations teach, but I have reason to think most are similar in this.

If I am correct in this, why would a member of one of these religious sects be so insistent that saying happy holidays is wrong.

Variblonde is exactly right by the way (I never thought I'd type those words). If your employer asks you to greet customers and fellow employees in a particular manner and you don't like it, you can try to get them to change the rules, live with them or quit, the same as if you don't like the dress code.

On a different note, for those that complain that our society is becoming too "PC", I would argue that what you are seeing is actually an increase in civility and respect. Often in the past what was acceptable in polite society was was in fact anything but polite. Most folks would be unhappy (and would correct them) if their child went up to a stranger and said "wow you're really fat" or pointed at someone and said very loudly "that women is very ugly" They would be upset because that would hurt the feelings of a fellow human being for no good reason. If I'm introduced to someone and they ask to be called Robert and I insist on calling them Bob, I think I'm being rude. If Americans whose families came to the United States from Italy ask to called Italian Americans calling them Wops or Guineas would be rude. Its exactly the same thing as I see it.

I suspect that many of you wouldn't consider walking up to a Native American and calling them a Redskin, but you have no problem rooting for the Washington Redskins (whose logo is a caricature of a Native American). Maybe I'm out of the norm here but to me they are both rude and uncivil.

As Americans we are truly blessed to have freedom of speech, and by the way organizations like the ACLU which fight to preserve that freedom even for the most obnoxious among us. We are a better people for having that right. I believe that we strengthen ourselves as a people when we choose to use that right in a manner that we can be proud of. Certainly there are times and places when impassioned speech is called for, but even in those circumstances rudeness is rarely called for and even more rarely effective.
You had me agreeing til you started criticizing people for rooting for the Washington Redskins. Then you started really getting ticky-tac. People can't root for Native American mascots? How about Cowboys? Are the Dallas Cowboys bad too? That's another type of person. :shrug:

Save it puppy. The only thing I was wrong about was Hanukkah presents but even that wasn't what I was questioning. The issue was about what the stores and catalogues say at this time of year. CHRISTMAS shopping, CHRISTMAS presents, CHRISTMAS catalogues, CHRISTMAS lights, CHRISTMAS trees, CHRISTMAS vacation, ETC! You and your ancestors know and care little about the true meaning of Christmas so go look out your bedroom window and wait for your Messiah. Mine already has been here. Poof, gone, bye bye!

I usually stay out of these debates but I must say...you are a rude, arrogant, sarcastic, inpolite poor example of the "true" Christian that you claim to be. What church do you belong to? If you're an example of the congregaton I'll be sure not to go there.
:clap: Don't bother arguing with him. He's ignorant and has no clue what he's talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if he was an MPD with the sole purpose of trying to offend people. If those are really his beliefs, he's just a sick, delusional person. I kinda feel sorry for him.

I love Will Ferrall. Another good one that just came out is Fred Claus with Vince Vaughn. They are both hilarious actors. You should also see Step Brothers. I haven't laughed at a movie like that in a long time
I haven't seen either of those...ever since I moved out here I've missed alot of movies. They're both on my "to do" list though. They both sounded pretty funny :smile:


Harley Rider
Please explain to me why people like me are the reason churches and the world are the way they are and why I am a Miss Feelgood Liberal. "People like me"....what am I like?...please DO tell me what you base your statement about me on since you don't know me from Jack Squat.
FYI, I've led more people to Christ than you can count lady friend. I don't need to know you, your ignorance of Christ's methods screams out here. No Christian criticizes another for speaking God's word but since you asked me to explain, I will. (Not everything said here is directed at you Mitzi) so here goes:

Please compare what YOU ALL have done for HEAVEN’S sake to what's written here and see who needs to be more like Christ:
While many of you are WASTING your time criticizing me for standing up for Christ, the devil is laughing at you. You’re too blind & naïve to see how he’s working THROUGH YOU. And many of you call yourselves “Christians”???
After becoming a Christian in 1989, I joined a church and started working with teenagers. I took a group of 6 and turned it into a group of 60. Have you?
Almost every night after work, over a 3 year period, I helped build a church in Waldorf so more people could have a sanctuary where they could sing & praise God while at the same time speaking against people like me. Ironic, isn’t it?
Weekly, I’m involved politically by phoning and emailing our worthless government officials when they infringe on our civil and religious rights. Are you?
I helped open a community center in Waldorf where I have dedicated every Friday night (and many Saturdays) for the last 15 years of my life to give young kids and “Christians” a safe place to hang out. Have you?
I did maintenance work FOR FREE at an elderly assisted living center in LaPlata because I saw a need there. I started a Bible study there and prevented a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses from polluting the minds of the staff & elderly there. You should have heard how I chastized them and they didn't come back. (Some of you church people would have been eaten up and spit out by them!) I bought many Bibles for the staff and residents there without reimbursement. I went to another assisted living center in Bushwood and did the same thing because I saw the need to help the elderly there. Did you?
Do you read and study the Bible every day? Do you listen to the news (not the TV news) to see what the ACLU, NARAL, NAMBLA, and the devil’s MANY other groups are doing to remove more of our freedoms from this country?
Do you host a worldwide Bible study every night to further teach people the need for God in their lives? I guarantee that you don’t! I also do this So. Md. internet forum thing almost every day as Jude 3 tells me to. I do it because many here are too blind to see the SUBTLE work of the devil. I haven't seen any of your evangelistic efforts here.
And what did you do in the early 1970’s (if you were around) when Norma McCorvey introduced Roe vs. Wade? In fact, where were all the Christians? What did they do when prayer and the Bible were taken out of public schools? What have they done to protest the removal of all Christian symbols from our government buildings and public schools? Did they just pray then hide? Well, guess where the majority of our moral problems are NOW? The government and the schools! Imagine that??!! Can you put 2 & 2 together and see why? Probably not. The devil will use any of you to speak against those of us actually doing God’s work. They said how terrible it was to make abortions legal but they did nothing. Take the Bible out of schools? How awful, they thought. Remove “under God” from the pledge and the pledge itself in some cases because we wouldn’t want to offend the foreigners. OK with you, right? So you did NOTHING!! NOW LOOK AT AMERICA! We’ve lost our identity. Kids kill kids. There's a killing everyday in DC. We’re becoming a 3rd world country. Our economy is shot. Our products are inferior. Instead of immigrants assimilating into our way of life, they use us as nothing more than a giant hotel where everyone can come and stay and change us for the worse. And they use our economy and our medical and legal system to do it!!! Our government is the most incompetent and corrupt it has ever been. Did you know that 52% of the Catholics that voted this year, voted for Obama who is pro abortion? (Whas’ up Catholics? This is against your doctrine)!!!!!! See the devil at work? And you want to speak out against what I’m doing!
I say all that to say this (and to stay on topic): When I tell you that saying anything other than Merry Christmas is disrespecting Christ and you won’t see that, it tells me that you are lost. I see the subtleties and know full well how the devil works; YOU DON’T! He whispers in your ears and tells you that I am a nut case, just ignore me or speak out against me. Little by little he chips away at our morality, religious freedoms and way of life and you enable him! I see this as another of his subtle ways of removing Christ from our nation. He will eventually turn it into the full blown removal of our freedoms in this “land of the free” and all with your help.
So, yes, not being allowed to say Merry Christmas IS a violation of our freedom of expression rights, it is censorship and it DOES bother me! Oh, by the way, the fairness doctrine aims to remove our free speech in the VERY same way. Maybe now you can see that the devil is in that too?? Nah, I’m sure you can’t see that either.
The Bible warned us but, OF COURSE, most of you don’t listen to it. It says: “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”. By acknowledging God we have become the most powerful & prosperous nation on earth. We’ve seen what happens to the nations that do not acknowledge Him. And now we’re quickly becoming one of those nations thanks to many of you! It is full of warnings against pushing God out and allowing foreign gods to replace Him.
There is a time to speak gently to people about God’s love, and I have, but this isn’t the time! We’re too far gone at this point. If you think I’m being harsh and unloving, it shows me that you’re never read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) to see how Jesus dealt with the Pharisees and others who refused to acknowledge His truth. I came here with a gentle spirit (read my earliest posts) but the comments of some of you caused me to turn harsh JUST AS JESUS DID, so go ahead and say I should be more like Christ (whom you know nothing about) and show the world your ignorance some more. Rant over.


New Member
Please compare what YOU ALL have done for HEAVEN’S sake to what's written here and see who needs to be more like Christ:
While many of you are WASTING your time criticizing me for standing up for Christ, the devil is laughing at you. You’re too blind & naïve to see how he’s working THROUGH YOU. And many of you call yourselves “Christians”???
After becoming a Christian in 1989, I joined a church and started working with teenagers. I took a group of 6 and turned it into a group of 60. Have you?
Almost every night after work, over a 3 year period, I helped build a church in Waldorf so more people could have a sanctuary where they could sing & praise God while at the same time speaking against people like me. Ironic, isn’t it?
Weekly, I’m involved politically by phoning and emailing our worthless government officials when they infringe on our civil and religious rights. Are you?
I helped open a community center in Waldorf where I have dedicated every Friday night (and many Saturdays) for the last 15 years of my life to give young kids and “Christians” a safe place to hang out. Have you?
I did maintenance work FOR FREE at an elderly assisted living center in LaPlata because I saw a need there. I started a Bible study there and prevented a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses from polluting the minds of the staff & elderly there. You should have heard how I chastized them and they didn't come back. (Some of you church people would have been eaten up and spit out by them!) I bought many Bibles for the staff and residents there without reimbursement. I went to another assisted living center in Bushwood and did the same thing because I saw the need to help the elderly there. Did you?
Do you read and study the Bible every day? Do you listen to the news (not the TV news) to see what the ACLU, NARAL, NAMBLA, and the devil’s MANY other groups are doing to remove more of our freedoms from this country?
Do you host a worldwide Bible study every night to further teach people the need for God in their lives? I guarantee that you don’t! I also do this So. Md. internet forum thing almost every day as Jude 3 tells me to. I do it because many here are too blind to see the SUBTLE work of the devil. I haven't seen any of your evangelistic efforts here.
And what did you do in the early 1970’s (if you were around) when Norma McCorvey introduced Roe vs. Wade? In fact, where were all the Christians? What did they do when prayer and the Bible were taken out of public schools? What have they done to protest the removal of all Christian symbols from our government buildings and public schools? Did they just pray then hide? Well, guess where the majority of our moral problems are NOW? The government and the schools! Imagine that??!! Can you put 2 & 2 together and see why? Probably not. The devil will use any of you to speak against those of us actually doing God’s work. They said how terrible it was to make abortions legal but they did nothing. Take the Bible out of schools? How awful, they thought. Remove “under God” from the pledge and the pledge itself in some cases because we wouldn’t want to offend the foreigners. OK with you, right? So you did NOTHING!! NOW LOOK AT AMERICA! We’ve lost our identity. Kids kill kids. There's a killing everyday in DC. We’re becoming a 3rd world country. Our economy is shot. Our products are inferior. Instead of immigrants assimilating into our way of life, they use us as nothing more than a giant hotel where everyone can come and stay and change us for the worse. And they use our economy and our medical and legal system to do it!!! Our government is the most incompetent and corrupt it has ever been. Did you know that 52% of the Catholics that voted this year, voted for Obama who is pro abortion? (Whas’ up Catholics? This is against your doctrine)!!!!!! See the devil at work? And you want to speak out against what I’m doing!
I say all that to say this (and to stay on topic): When I tell you that saying anything other than Merry Christmas is disrespecting Christ and you won’t see that, it tells me that you are lost. I see the subtleties and know full well how the devil works; YOU DON’T! He whispers in your ears and tells you that I am a nut case, just ignore me or speak out against me. Little by little he chips away at our morality, religious freedoms and way of life and you enable him! I see this as another of his subtle ways of removing Christ from our nation. He will eventually turn it into the full blown removal of our freedoms in this “land of the free” and all with your help.
So, yes, not being allowed to say Merry Christmas IS a violation of our freedom of expression rights, it is censorship and it DOES bother me! Oh, by the way, the fairness doctrine aims to remove our free speech in the VERY same way. Maybe now you can see that the devil is in that too?? Nah, I’m sure you can’t see that either.
The Bible warned us but, OF COURSE, most of you don’t listen to it. It says: “blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”. By acknowledging God we have become the most powerful & prosperous nation on earth. We’ve seen what happens to the nations that do not acknowledge Him. And now we’re quickly becoming one of those nations thanks to many of you! It is full of warnings against pushing God out and allowing foreign gods to replace Him.
There is a time to speak gently to people about God’s love, and I have, but this isn’t the time! We’re too far gone at this point. If you think I’m being harsh and unloving, it shows me that you’re never read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) to see how Jesus dealt with the Pharisees and others who refused to acknowledge His truth. I came here with a gentle spirit (read my earliest posts) but the comments of some of you caused me to turn harsh JUST AS JESUS DID, so go ahead and say I should be more like Christ (whom you know nothing about) and show the world your ignorance some more. Rant over.

perhaps you are familiar with Matthew?

(though the words themselves come from the mouth of christ)

"Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven."

"Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."


Free to Fly
IS - It's nice you've been a part of so many of these things and I'm not trying to be disparaging towards you but you really do need to rethink a lot of what you've said. Going to battle for God does not mean you have to constantly go down people's throats and try to shove God in there! The Bible says we are never going to be able to understand all of the mysteries of God so it is possible for you (or me or anyone else no matter how much we have studied and continue to study) to be wrong sometimes too. We are not to boast of what we have done for God but of what He has done for us. No, we aren't to add to or take away from the Bible so that takes care of the "sugar coating" but temperance goes a long way. Few people listen to a screamer. Merry Christmas and I mean that sincerely.


Well-Known Member
FYI, I've led more people to Christ than you can count lady friend. I don't need to know you, your ignorance of Christ's methods screams out here. No Christian criticizes another for speaking God's word but since you asked me to explain, I will. (Not everything said here is directed at you Mitzi) so here goes:

First off....I did not criticize you for speaking God's word, I criticized your harsh and arrogant attitude.
Second....I am not ignorant of Christ's methods. I do not believe Christ was arrogant, rude and judgemental as you are. Again, I criticized your way of speaking God's word.
Third......This lady friend has also led people to Christ. You were jumping to conclusions and judging me for criticizing the way you speak. I NEVER criticized you for being a Christian, I said your methods aren't a very good example by ranting and raving and the arrogance.
No, you don't need to know me. You've already judged and persecuated me claiming I don't know Christ based on the sole fact that I criticized YOU.
Merry Christmas.