I'm Rather Surprised....


New Member
that two incidents happened in Calvert last nite hasn't shown up on the boards.

1. A man overboard from a boat at Jefferson Patterson Park. Well that's where it started at and that's where the FD staged. Came over the scanner that the person could have gone overboard between Jefferson and Broome's Island....hmmm nice friends soo drunk they don't even know their friend went overboard. DNR had to come to shut the drunks up. Man was never found when I fell asleep.

2. This one is interesting. On Crest Drive in Solomons, a man runs a man over with his truck hitting him up against a garage, then backs up and hits him again!! Of course he didn't stick around for the cops or ambulance. Man taken by helicopter priority one to PG. Cops search for a person.

I heard all of this on the scanner. Anyone have anything to add to it?
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New Member
keepsmiling said:
2. This one is interesting. On Crest Drive in Solomons, a man runs a man over with his truck hitting him up against a garage, then backs up and hits him again!! Of course he didn't stick around for the cops or ambulance. Man taken by helicopter priority one to PG. Cops search for a person.

I heard all of this on the scanner. Anyone have anything to add to it?

You have to be pretty pissed off at somebody to back up, put it in drive and hit 'em again.



keepsmiling said:
that two incidents happened in Calvert last nite hasn't shown up on the boards.

1. A man overboard from a boat at Jefferson Patterson Park. Well that's where it started at and that's where the FD staged. Came over the scanner that the person could have gone overboard between Jefferson and Broome's Island....hmmm nice friends soo drunk they don't even know their friend went overboard. DNR had to come to shut the drunks up. Man was never found when I fell asleep.

2. This one is interesting. On Crest Drive in Solomons, a man runs a man over with his truck hitting him up against a garage, then backs up and hits him again!! Of course he didn't stick around for the cops or ambulance. Man taken by helicopter priority one to PG. Cops search for a person.

I heard all of this on the scanner. Anyone have anything to add to it?

I heard both of these and was going to post, but seems every time I post, someone posts either right before or right afters.


I heard a little about the missing boater. They didn't find him and the person driving the boat was arrested, rumor has it he was drunk. Not sure how much truth there is to this, since it is just a rumor so far.


New Member
my mom heard about the boat thing on our scanner, and then when me and my boyfriend went out later on last night we saw all the cops and ambulances at the house on creston. i figured it had to do with the boat thing.


VduvUMarie said:
my mom heard about the boat thing on our scanner, and then when me and my boyfriend went out later on last night we saw all the cops and ambulances at the house on creston. i figured it had to do with the boat thing.

The missing boater happened off of Jefferson Patterson Park. The Creston Lane incident was totatlly different. That was an assault with a vehicle.


New Member
KeepSmiling--My husband and I were listening to these calls as well. About 10-15 minutes after the fire dept cleared the Creston incident, the chief (I think) asked for an ambulace to be sent back to the same location. Communications asked for the nature of injuries. He said "Assault , not domestic related.". We've been waiting to hear the rest of this story.