I'm related to one of these guys....


So, I found out that my lawyer/mayor/distant cousin is also a musician. His band is called Follinaria.
In this video he is laying shirtless on the couch with his arms stretched upwards and hands folded together.
Italia Pop song...

This one a little more serious.... Still waiting for the translations :lmao:


So, I found out that my lawyer/mayor/distant cousin is also a musician. His band is called Follinaria.
In this video he is laying shirtless on the couch with his arms stretched upwards and hands folded together.
Italia Pop song...

This one a little more serious.... Still waiting for the translations :lmao:
- Milano '99 -

siamo nani su spalle giganti
orbi in preda a questa follia
senza una donna dimmi cos'è un uomo
polvere magica senza magia

come un genio rinchiuso in bottiglia
perso da tempo in un mare di guai
in una notte solo una stella
alzo gli occhi e quella stella sei tu

e piano piano verrà il tempo che
chiuderà quel cerchio sopra me e te
e piano piano verrà il tempo che
chiuderà quel cerchio sopra me e te

e allora senti quello che non hai
perché prendi tutto ciò che vuoi
e allora prendi quello che non hai
perché senti tutto ciò che vuoi
e allora prendi prendi prendi ciò che senti senti senti
senti senti senti senti ciò che prendi prendi prendi

come l'estate senza più il sole
accarezzi la sera senza tabù
Milano sembra una città incantata
solo nebbia e lavoro, senza cuore tu

vivi o non vivi, non è questo il problema
in un posto che sembra non accetti te
giri per strada in un mondo fasullo
la gente ti guarda ma senza pietà

e piano piano verrà il tempo che
chiuderà quel cerchio sopra me e te
e piano piano verrà il tempo che
chiuderà quel cerchio sopra me e te

trans. Milan '99

we are dwarves on giant shoulders
orbs surrounded by this madness
without a woman tell me who's a man
magical dust without anything of magic

like a genius locked up in bottle
lost for a long time in a sea of troubles
in a night only a star
I raise the eyes and that star is you

and slowly will come the time that
will close that circle above me and you
and slowly will come the time that
will close that circle above me and you

and then you feel what you don't have
because you take all that you want
and then you take what you don't have
because you feel all that you want

and then you take take take
take what you feel feel feel
and you feel feel feel you
feel what you take take take

like the summer with no sun
you run through the night without taboo
Milan seems a bewitched city
only fog and job, without heart you

to be or not to be
this in not the question
in a place that seems it does not accept you
turns for road in a fake world
people watchin' you but without mercy

and slowly will come the time that
it will close that circle above me and you
and slowly will come the time that
it will close that circle above me and you

and then you feel what you don't have
because you take all that you want
and then you take what you don't have
because you feel all that you want

and then you take take take
take what you feel feel feel
and you feel feel feel you
feel what you take take take